This provocative and disturbing movie is based on an incident that happened in the first winter of the war in Bosnia in 1992. Two childhood friends, one a Serb the other a Muslim, square off on opposite sides of war, their... more » friendship tattered and in ruins. Interactive Menus, Production Notes, Scene access, Trailer« less
"This is a first rate war movie, right up there with Saving Private Ryan or Thin Red Line. But, to really understand it, first you have to be from Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia or Bosna/Herzegovina. Second, you must be smart and intelligent enough to see through it and third, you must not have dear friends and family killed in a war. That's a pretty tall order, I know... At first sight, the movie looks as pure Milosevic's propaganda and it's obvious why is that. It was the only way it could get made. But the authors were smarter, so they did what Verhoeven did with "Starship Troopers"- an all-out SF action for the masses and clever satire for the classes.The story revolves around two friends (a Serb and A Muslim) who end up on different sides in the war (naturally), one being sieged by the other (both with their troops) in the unfinished tunnel of "Brotherhood and Unity" (excellent parallel, watch out for many more) somehwere in Bosnia... Terror, despair, friendship turned sour, people fooled by propaganda... All come out through the memories of better times for all peoples of the Balkans.The telling of the story is rather complex, but you'll get it on your second or third viewing, if you can stomach it. Some scenes are quite disturbing, so watch out. This is not for children at all..."
One of the best war movies ever made.
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I rented Pretty Village Pretty Flame on an impulse one night because I'm interested in the Boznian situation. I wasn't sure what to expect, though in all honesty, I wasn't sure if it's be any good. I was blown out of the water. It's brutally honest, cynical and yet darkly humorous account of the war in Yugoslavia amazed me. The story, the performances and most of all the directorship were all grade A+. I must say that Dragojevic' has made a powerful, haunting film that is even, if one can call a war movie such, fun for the eyes with it's impressive visuals. I recently purchased this title on DVD and hit a snag. The DVD transfer leaves the film a bit grainy in parts with pixilation present from time to time. Still, a terrific movie that I believe anyone who likes "real" movies should buy."
Homo hominis lupus est.
Vladimir Miletic | 05/04/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"- (...). This is a triumph of filmmaking (with zero budget) and writing, even though the translation is terrible.
- Pretty Village, Pretty Flame is not about who started what, when or how. It's about people caught up in the midst of something fundamentally senseless. It's about lost souls and desperation.
- This movie is heavy to watch and in my opinion one of the best war movies ever made. Second only to Roman Polanski's The Pianist. I highly recommend it."
Understanding what...........
Mitar Duriæ | Banja Luka, BiH | 04/27/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This film is great, ok it clearly has not been made with a Hollywood budget but thats besides the point. I first saw this film in Bosnia when it was released and it caused quite a stir. The translation into English on this DVD is at best pathetic, prehaps that is why so many of our self appointed Balkan historians in the USA have missed the point of this movie, its not the war according to CNN, its made by people who understand the history and the culture of the region because they live in it and experience it first hand. The film seeks to draw out the contrast of a people who at one time lived together in brotherhood and unity as Yugoslavians who shared the same childhood experiences together, listened to the same music and went to the same schools and now find themselves in a conflict that is as much about nationalism as it is religion. More importantly the film portrays the normal people of Bosnia as just that normal human beings who are caught up and activly involved in a civil war, be they Croat, Muslim or Serb. A welcome relief from the typical 'bad Serb' properganda normally spouted by people who have never even been to Bosnia let alone live there. The viewer is shown how the thin veneer of civilisation is soon stripped away in such a complicated and bloody conflict. And the film also has the typical humor of the people of Bosnia that was evident even in such dark times. Open your mind and let this film challange the common misconceptions of the war in Bosnia."
Stunning film - a MUST-SEE for all non-balkan viewers
rudislav | LITIJA, Slovenia | 03/28/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Well, enough was said about this film already, so I will only stress that in this film there are some statements that represent the whole essence of all 90's wars on Balkan. The first one is about comrade Tito who stole a lot but gave some to people; others just stole and didn't give anything back. Well as a citizen of former Yugoslavia I can only say, in old times living was good on territory of whole Yugoslavia nowadays in Slovenia we live quite good as compared to other not so lucky ex-Yugoslavia citizens. Democracy on Balkan is funny thing, for us (ex-Austro-Hungarian part of Yugoslavia) it is composed of full human-rights specter as opposed to others whose priority is safety of basic human rights such as life an right to a property. Comrade Tito gave us just enough human-rights to satisfy both sides, still after the collapse of Yugoslavia in 1991 we all felt betrayed since Yugoslavia was still our country, not somebody else's one even though 90% of Slovenians were for independence.The other one is about the burning villages (beautiful villages burning nicer than ugly-ones). The statement represents insanity of all parties involved in civil war in Bosnia, why all this killing and suffering as we already know the result, all beautiful will die and at the end the one who will profit are they who didn't event dare to be directly involved... you can figure it out who they are.At the end you have doubts in who actually started this war politics or just ethnic tensions of individuals. There is no universal answer, just more questions, but one thing is certain, every good and patriotic civil war with flags and roses ends up in a pile of garbage and lots and lots of death and suffering."