Works for me
Timothy Ramzyk | Milwaukee, WI United States | 07/29/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Psychic phenomena and ESP was all the rage in the mid-70's, and became a plot-point of many forgettable thrillers and TV shows before it wore out it's welcome. The Premonition is definitely one of the better of the bunch, and might have been totally forgotten were it not for the handful of us that remember fondly from it's "Late Show" airings.
Director, Robert Allen Schnitzer orchestrated a highly atmospheric and offbeat little horror-oddity, on a meager budget, and amidst some decidedly no-frills locations. Though a little rough around the edges at times, The Premonition delivers the same eerie, sustained mood of a film like "Don't Look Now", but with a fraction of the resources. I think most fans of obscure, 70's horror with a somewhat "artistic" flair will find this one pretty enjoyable.
This Media Blasters DVD looks and sounds good; or I should say about as good as low-budget 70's film that was probably shot on fast, grainy film stock is going to look. It's also probably the only release this film is going to see, so if it intrigues you at all, I'd snap it up before it goes out of print."