Simplicity and substance
Alejandra Vernon | Long Beach, California | 03/05/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The Prayer of Jabez (1 Chronicles 4:10), is a short prayer that has many similarities to The Lord's Prayer:
"Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain ! So God granted him what he requested".
Darlene's husband, Dr. Bruce Wilkinson, had much success with his book about this prayer, and how it can affect lives, and Darlene in these four teaching sessions, which are approximately 25 minutes apiece, discusses "The Mindset, The Message, and The Method" of each line of the prayer and shows how it can be seen from a woman's perspective, and applied to a woman's needs.
Darlene has a lovely, modulated voice and speaks quietly, but her ideas are all biblically based and have depth, and this DVD would be especially helpful for stay-at-home mothers, and women's Bible study groups.
With personal stories and scripture, Darlene illustrates the principles of the Prayer of Jabez, and touches on many subjects, among them doing more for God, relinquishing control, and two of my favorites, the gift of choice, and guarding one's tongue from idle words.
Along with Darlene's quiet demeanor, simple style and clothing (an unadorned 3 piece blue outfit), is a spirit that radiates love and humility. Her husband's books and tapes have been an enormous help to me in my walk with the Lord, and this DVD stands beside them with equal grace. I often like to put this on while I work, to be reminded of the truth it contains, and I keep learning, as many times I hear something in a new light and with new understanding, even though I am very familiar with the teachings.
The Prayer of Jabez is found in the midst of nine chapters that trace David's genealogy back to Adam, consequently it is often missed, as people tend to skip the "begats". I discovered it many years ago, after making the decision to read the Bible, cover to cover, without missing a word...and it has mightily blessed me ever since. It is a prayer of great power, a power to change lives and bring one into a closer relationship with God.
Filmed with a small but attentive audience in Atlanta, this 2002 DVD comes with a small 24 page workbook that is useful, especially for study group discussion.