Praise Band: The Movie is the funny, yet touching story of one band's efforts in a small town church. Through their growing music ministry, the band not only reaches out to their community, but also grows in their own indi... more »vidual walk with God. Matt Young (Adam Melton), the new worship leader, is hired by Pastor James Monroe (Dana Bryan) to serve Crossroad Community Church when their music director of 30 years suddenly retires. But accepting this job means Matt has to move, leaving behind everyone he has ever known; friends, family and especially longtime girlfriend Patty Hayes (Ashley Bryan). Immediately, these young church leaders meet with much opposition from members of their congregation who still cling to traditional roots and their familiar worship service. Led by church treasurer Wayne Wilson (George Hamilton IV), the congregation resist the idea of change and Matt's new style of guitar driven music. Despite resistance, Matt quickly assembles an unlikely group of talented musicians, Mark Lewis (Justin Ricketts), Luke Daniels (Dave Yelverton), John Collins (Jeff Luckadoo) and Wayne Wilson's granddaughter Ginny Taylor (Makenzie Little), each dealing with their own unique set of life's issues. Together can they find a common bond and unite a dwindling flock before it's too late. Praise Band... on Wednesday night they're average, but on Sunday morning they rock.« less