The Original Girl Power Triumphantly Returns !
Tim Coogan | Millville, NJ | 06/20/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Way before he broke ground for an orphanage that houses imaginary friends, Craig McCracken created the world's youngest superhero team !
That's right, people, the Emmy nominated series has finally come back in an amazing 2-disc DVD set ! It's Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup, back and better than ever in their very first thirteen episodes in one of Cartoon Network's groundbreaking hit shows. Such episodes include:
"Monkey See, Doggy Do" - Mojo Jojo uses the cursed Anubis head to literally make Townsville go to the dogs.
"Octi Evil" - The evil manifestation preferably known as HIM uses Bubbles' favorite stuffed toy to do his bidding.
"Major Competition" - A strapping new superhero named Major Man becomes Townsville's new guardian. What will the girls do now ?
"Paste Makes Waste" - A strange boy named Elmer Glue eats so much school glue, he turns into a giant paste monster the girls have to fight.
"The Bare Facts" - The oblivious Mayor of Townsville has been rescued by the girls from Mojo Jojo. Now the girls each tell the Mayor the... "naked truth" on what happened back there.
"Impeach Fuzz" - Fuzzy Lumpkins runs for Mayor and wins by a landslide. How will the former Mayor get his title back ?
"The Rowdyruff Boys" - Sick and tired of being defeated by the girls, Mojo Jojo creates Brick, Boomer, and Butch, male counterparts to the girls.
In addition to this stunning first season of episodes, the second disc is power-packed with amazing special extra features such as:
- The two pilot episodes "Meat Fuzzy Lumpkins" and "Crime 101".
- Archive interviews with Craig McCracken including a special Space Ghost episode.
- Bits and promos out the wazoo !
- And, of course, Craig's original short film, "Whoopass Stew" with exclusive animatics.
If you've been a bona fide fan of the PPGs for many years to come, you really must get this DVD set whether or not you've owned the previous DVDs like "The Mane Event" and "Meet the Beat-Alls", but it's totally worth it. I really hope the rest of the series be out on DVD real soon. In the meantime, go online to Cartoon Network Video and watch Powerpuff Girls and other former hit shows whenever you like.
As the saying goes, "So once again, the day is saved, thanks to the Powerpuff Girls !""
Not just for little girls. . .
A. Gammill | West Point, MS United States | 06/19/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I've always felt. . .I don't know. . .maybe a little guilty about how much I like this show. I mean, to the uninitiated, it would seem to be a girl-power superhero cartoon aimed primarily at young girls.
But I'm a 39-year old man. And I love the Powerpuff Girls! Like the best modern animated shows (The Tick Vs. Season One, for example), it manages to combine a kinetic visual style with humor that isn't dumbed-down just because it's a "kid's show." Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup may only be 5 years old, but many of the gags are aimed WAY above their heads. One classic episode (alas, in a later season), "Meet the Beat-alls," is composed almost entirely of references to the Beatles. The girl's chief nemesis, the intelligent simian Mojo Jojo, also seems aimed as much at parents as the kids in the audience.
If you think all modern cartoons are too bland, too loud, or too derivative of way-overrated Japanese animation (Teen Titans, I'm looking at YOU), give The Powerpuff Girls a try. It's a rare combination: Smart and funny, with barely a hint of cynicism and crudeness that permeates so much so-called "family" programming."
Oh, thank you thank you thank you!!
Maek | Phoenix, AZ United States | 07/18/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Thank you for finally releasing the entire 1st season of the 'Puffs!!
About 9 months ago, my 3-year old daughter stumbled across a bonus episode of the Powerpuff Girls ("Boogie Frights") at the end of a Scooby-Doo video tape. I got home and my wife asked, "What is this? She wants to keep watching this and she absolutely loves it!" I smiled and told her that it was the Powerpuff Girls, of course!
I was in my 20's when I first came across them in Cartoon Network and it was one of my secret, guilty pleasures to watch (it's not something you share around the water cooler casually). But let's face it - the Powerpuff Girls offer fun viewing for kids and adults because there is humor for both.
So, I picked up all the Powerpuff stuff available on DVD for my daughter and was saddened to see that some of my more favorite episodes ("Octi Evil" to name one) were not out there and that a great number of episodes were sadly missing.
But now here's Season 1!!! It overlaps some of what I've already collected, but a little more than half of Season 1 contains episodes that I didn't previously have. To have an entire Season for $19.99 is also a fairly smoking deal; it's 4 hours and 50 minutes of viewing material!!!!!
That said, some parents might be put off by the violence in the cartoon, so I leave that up to an individual's taste. In our household, we pass it off as humor because ALL of it is make-believe and our daughter accepts that; she doesn't go around punching things because she thinks that she is a Powerpuff Girl. She does like having her hair put up like Bubbles, though. ;)
Anyway, a toast to Craig McCracken (creator). Here's to hoping that you release 'em all because I will sure be in line to buy every single one.
Fun for kids...and even for adults?
Cloud | Canada | 06/24/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Admit it: if you're a guy and you love this show, it's hard to think about people laughing at you for getting into girly stuff. Like you'd have to buy it with your head down thinking "nobody look at me buying this thing yet, it's for my daughter". But it's all for nothing as regardless if you're a young boy, girl, parent or just a comedy fan, there's plenty to like about it and the only thing you'd have a problem with is who its obvious target audience is.
The show follows that familiar cartoon format of a 22 minute episode separated into 2 stories. The episodes on this set range from the great to the good. There's rarely a clunker in the whole thing and each episode is great to watch. Sure some will obviously stand out among the others but you probably won't find a complete dud on the set. Only gripe you might have with is you wish more episodes were included but leave that for season 2 set, right?
Some of the highlights are "Boogie Frights/Abracadaver" where in the first half, the Boogeyman blocks out the sun so they can party on the surface whereas the latter as the girls trying to stop a zombie destroying the town. Probably one of the best Bubbles-centered episodes, "Bubblevicious" finds Bubbles frustrated she's seen as the baby of the group and decides to take out her frustrations on anything that comes around. Her reaction to being picked for "Duck, Duck, Goose" is classic. We also get the double length episodes "The Rowdyruff Boys" where Mojo Jojo creates boy counterparts to the girls who are just as tough, maybe even toughter than the girls as well as "Uh Oh Dynamo" where an ultra-tough monster forces the girls to go into a mech anime-style.
Kind of disappointing are the extras. While we do get creator Craig McCracken's original pilot for the show the "Whoop*** Girls", we also get some rather questionable (read: for the kiddies) inclusions such as Space Ghost premiere and probably one of the most unprofessional interviews I've ever seen. So much for insight. Also would've been nice to get some commentaries from McCracken and animation director (and Samurai Jack creator) Genndy Tartakovsky but oh well.
While the extras are rather lackluster but the draw is the episodes and here they deliver, no matter how girly it feels."