You ll never tire of this variety-packed, SEXY workout with fitness video favorite Christi Taylor. Fit to Dance is a high energy, full-body strength and cardio conditioning program that offers an intense physical workout t... more »o burn loads of calories and define your body. Christi describes this workout like playing outside on a beautiful, sunny day with great toys . . . a total sense of freedom and mental relaxation. Christi s fun factor rises to the top for the entire 70 minutes of this creatively-choreographed interval training workout, and, in typical fashion, she will treat you to perfect cuing, flowing movements, and a range of modifications that takes into account intensity, ability, and safety. The workout offers 13 five-minute modules, including everything from step, floor aerobics, Pilates, core training, dance, weight training, traditional, and functional exercise and a variety of music genres including Latin, hip hop, classical, jazz, reggae, and even a beautiful Italian love song. This workout takes variety to a whole new level! This workout offers an optional "music only" feature! Recommended equipment: one step, 5-8 lb. weights, and a towel or mat.« less
Little Miss Cutey | Melbourne, Australia | 03/24/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I can't for the life of me, work out why Amazon aren't releasing this till October of this year when it's already available online elsewhere and I bought a copy already.
I've said it before and again today - Christi is probably one of the top 3 instructors ever. She is amazing and always high energy while staying friendly, motivating and makes you want to move. She knows her stuff, cues better than anyone I've ever seen, and gets your heart rate up with her unique and brilliant choreography. It's low impact, but the choreography is definately something you'll need to keep practising before you get the hang of it. Trust me - it's worth it.
There are intervals again in this dvd and they all feature different songs and exercise styles. I love her latin hip swings and v-sit jacks. She makes exercise fun because her moves are fresh and different. I can honestly say that I've never done exercises to the Sugar Plum Fairy from the Nutcracker.
I can't speak highly enough of this workout. Christi is my absolute favourite and you can't help but get hooked on the high energy pace of the workout. Before you know it, you've done the whole routine and had a blast (and a fat blast). Don't wait for Amazon - go get a copy elsewhere and begin this right away. It's so much fun - you'll love it."
Christi is the Absolute Master Instructor of All Time
Terri L | St Louis, MO | 04/12/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Christi never disappoints. Her workouts are the most fun and creative workouts I've ever done and I've been using exercise videos regularly since 1992. She's simply the best. Nothing else need be said."
Excellent Workout! A MUST!
Stefanie A. Elder | 02/10/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I had never heard for Christi Taylor, but bought this workout based on the good reviews...and I am so glad that I did! It's definately not an easy workout, but I found myself smiling almost all the way through it. And sweating too! I'm a runner, and wanted to find something to cross train with, and I definately and happy with my purchase and will be buying more of her workouts in the very near future...maybe today!"
MJ | USA | 06/13/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Time after time, she shows why she is the master. Every DVD I get of hers is just great and this one is no exception. High energy, informative, cute as heck, sweet, knows her stuff, fresh moves...I could go on and on. But I think you get the point. YOu can not go wrong with this one. It's for the ages. Fun and it gets the job done! I'm sooo happy with it! Keep it up Christi! Amazon needs to get this out already!
70 minutes of fun!
Space Monkey | Rockford, IL USA | 04/19/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I recently became enamored with step workouts, and I bought this as my first "real" step workout. Boy, am I glad I did. This is 70 minutes of pure fun! While it may not be as intense as I would like it to be, I definitely feel like I worked out after doing this DVD. Also, what really made me LOVE this DVD was this: I looked down at the timer on my DVD player during the workout, and realized I had been working out for 40 minutes--and it only felt like 10 minutes!
I think the reason for this "long workout going by fast" feeling is that Christi does interval training--some cardio, some weights, etc. There are lots of moves, and she starts out with basic moves, and adds on to them. This being my first step workout, I was very focused on getting down those moves. And since I am not the most coordinated person in the world, I really had to focus!
Here's the breakdown:
--Lots of variety in the moves
--The ab workout at the end is very simple, but very effective
--Christi's cueing is right on target. Although there were times when I was having a little too much fun and wasn't listening to her cues.
--Even though I stumbled through some of the more complex cardio/step moves, they weren't so difficult that you couldn't pick up the next set of moves, or start over with the next interval.
--You have fun the whole time.
--Has people in the back doing modified moves with lighter weights.
--Some uncoordinated people (like myself) may give up early on because they can't get the moves
--The parts of the workouts with the weights is a little dicey. . you're doing dance moves with the weights, and if you're trying to get the legwork down, you may end up swinging the weights wildly and injure yourself. Use very light weights or no weights at all if you're new to stepping the first few times through. Christi uses 5 pound weights; the modifiers use 3 lb weights.
--This is a personal preference for me, but I could have done without Christi singing to the music.
Overall, I was impressed with this workout. I think it wasn't intense enough for me the first time through because I was tripping over my poor feet some of the time; I am sure the next few times through I'll get better. (My heart rate was up more during the weight segments than during the cardio sometimes.) I would recommend this to anyone who wants a good step workout led by a very good instructor.