Catchy songs, silly stories and fun, interactive-games are guaranteed to inform, inspire and motivate tiny toddlers to use the potty. Along the way, appropriate toilet skills are modeled for the viewer. Join Paige & ... more »Parker Panda and a gaggle of other lovable animated characters as they show kids what they need to know to go potty all by themselves.« less
"I have 2 sons, 2 yrs. 4 months, and a nine month old. The very first time the 2 yr. old saw this DVD, the moment it ended he asked to potty. Then he did it again later! He immediately started singing the theme song, and asked for this video again and again. Scary how easily a kid can be indoctrinated by someone other than the parent! We have been trying to get the kid to use the toilet, but he was not crazy about the idea until we bought this DVD. I also bought the recommended "Potty Adventure" - my son did not respond that well to that one for many reasons (which I will explain in my review of that product). There are several reasons I think this works well: (1) catchy songs. The DVD has the film and then the "music videos" which my kid is into also. I can see him trying to memorize the songs as he's watching the cartoon. As I said, he sings the refrain from theme song! (2) They let kids know that there are different kinds of potty chairs. We use the seat that goes on the toilet, and they explain that that's a potty chair too. So it doesn't matter what kind you use in your house - the seat or the potty chair - your kid will be included. (3) They show the toddler that everyone goes potty (not just your parents who are pressuring you to join them in the toilet-going thing). I think it registers that your favorite animals (pandas, ducks, elephants, bears...) all have to potty somewhere. (4) They let the kid know that it's a feeling in the tummy that lets you know you have to go potty. I think that's smart and helpful, and I haven't seen other books and films say this. ...We've seen "Go Potty Go" twice already this morning, and my child is asking for it again. My 9 month old watches it too. He likes the music, and maybe he likes to see the babies (in the sequence that says, basically, "babies poop and pee too, but in their diapers, and that's okay, but I want to be a big kid, and go potty"...). I can't recommend this one enough.
Update: The boys are now nearly 4.5 and 3 - and the just-shy-of-3 year old has started asking to see this DVD. He argues with his older brother about whether or not he's a baby or a big kid, and big brother says he's not because "big kids go potty." I think that this DVD is about to work his magic once more. If you ask me, this was money well spent."
A gentle, tasteful, and delightfully friendly DVD
Midwest Book Review | Oregon, WI USA | 04/14/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Go Potty Go! Potty Training for Tiny Toddlers is an instructional DVD geared toward little boys and girls who are ready to begin toilet training. Colorful cartoon characters use simple language to teach youngsters how to recognize the body's signs that it is ready to urinate or produce a bowel movement, and how to develop hygienic toilet skills such as proper wiping and hand washing. A gentle, tasteful, and delightfully friendly DVD enthusiastically recommended for parent-child viewing and for reinforcing toilet-training skills. 20 minutes, color."
Send me a potty miracle!
R. Leslie | Louisville, CO | 04/06/2008
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Would someone please make a video where my child can actually learn from example? To put it bluntly, see kids going potty? It could be cartoon characters or real children. Nothing graphic of course, just a good example so my daughter doesn't have to hear about going potty, but can see her peers doing it. That said the songs are cute. They definately inspire the desire to wear big kid underwear. I'm just not sure they inspire not to go potty in their new, big kid underwear!"
Obnoxious but it works
Red's Mama | 06/26/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This DVD is a step by step introduction to potty training for a young toddler. My 2 year old loved it, and she is now way more into the notion of potty training. She asks for it over and over now. The music is defiantly more for her than for me as it is quite obnoxious, but if it works I can bare it."
Terrible, terrible, waste of time and money.
M. Costanza | Long Island, NY USA | 10/10/2009
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Out of the 20 minutes this video runs, it seems like maybe 1 minute actually shows a kid on the potty. From most to least, this video spends time on the following:
- big kid underwear
- things big kids do (climb trees, ride bikes, etc)
- where different animals go potty
- the "big kid parade" (what?)
- what's *not* a potty ("is this a potty?" game)
- washing hands (after using the potty)
- wiping
- actually using the potty
My son seems to really enjoy the video - he asks to watch it over and over again. But he expresses no interest in using his potty while watching it, or after. The video spends way, way, way too much time trying to convince little kids that they really want to be big kids. It's like a big kid propaganda movie. And, even so, it barely makes the connection between being a big kid and using a potty. By the time my son is old enough to fall prey to the manipulation they're trying to use in this video, he'll already have learned how to use a potty. Oh, and the songs are pretty dumb and the narrator sounds like a Stepford Wife.
We had borrowed an old copy of "Once Upon A Potty" from a friend, and while it seemed a little weird, our son *immediately* asked to sit on his potty. That video is filled with kids sitting on the potty, and actually shows a cartoon kid trying to use it, and succeeding. And when they sing the (admittedly goofy) "Potty Song," the video again shows kids actually sitting on the potty -- unlike in "Go Potty Go," in which cartoon animals sing the song while showing off underwear.
The main point of any decent potty video should be to get a kid, who is perfectly content to pee and poop in his diaper, to want to use a potty, instead. This video fails, miserably.