It's hard to resist the cliques in Popular: Season 2
S. Kaufman | Los Angeles, CA | 11/12/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"We all remember our days in high school. The moments that built our characters and the friends that defined who we were. So what crowd were you "in"? What clique established you? These questions might strike an emotional note with you, but not with the students of Kennedy High. Sam, Brooke, Josh, Sugar Daddy and the rest of the gang are back in the second season of the hit WB show, Popular.
The show centers around the life of two polar opposite high school girls: Sam, the outcast and Brooke, the teen queen. The world through their eyes is drastically different but they share one common demoninator. Their family. In the first season of the groundbreaking series, Brooke and Sam saw their single parents move in together and their worlds collide inside and outside of their high school walls. Their respected cliques began to blend and the barriers between what was cool and who was popular slowly fell apart. In the second, and final season, of the series the lead heroines begin to take on their battles not against, but standing next to each other.
The season, which relies heavily on its comedic side, introduces new characters (such as Equisite Woo, who has an acute and entertaining relationship with Popular favorite Mary Cherry) and delves into the darker side of the returning ones. The dynamic of the show is once again its satire on the cliche high school experience. The majority of the plots revolve around outlandish events that could, most obviously, never happen but always prove to be both enlightening and hilarious.
Throughout the 21 episodes, we are also introduced to the more dramatic side of the situations and characters we love. One has a life-threatening sickness and another will do anything to get revenge on the ones who have done her wrong. With guest appearances by one of Populars most loved, Delta Burke and a shocking series finale that will leave viewers both satisfied and begging for more, Popular Season 2 is wildly hilarious, exceptionally entertaining and a complete joy to behold. I recommend you journey into the minds of the the high school life we all wish we had!"
This was really the golden age of the WB
Joan Crawford | Lansing, MI USA | 07/12/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I watched POPULAR when I was in high school, back in 2000-2001. It holds a special place in my heart and watching it really brings back memories. It was really one of the finest shows the WB ever produced. I'm a few years older now, but it's funny because life doesn't really change much. We are all still looking for popularity, love, friendship, family strength, confidence, and success. These were the major themes in the show, and rarely does a show present such intelligent and mature views of relationships. It was much, much more than a teen soap opera. It was a commentary on society in general, and our need to belong.
I really related to the characters in POPULAR. Sure, real life in high school during this time was never as glamorous or as fabulous as presented in this show--but I think we all wished it was, and POPULAR gave us dreams. I wasn't the only person who watched the show--a few of my friends also did, and we were all so surprised by its cancellation. We all secretly hoped it would return for another season, and waited, but that never happened.
I think that was because we were all so attached to the characters--and each of the actors was a star in their own right. Carly Pope branched off and did a very fine film called "Trapped in a Purple Haze," in which she had a very tragic role. Sara Rue, who played Carmen, did an incredible movie called "Gypsy 83." Thinking back, 2000-2001 was a great time for movies. Just think how many wonderful movies came out then, such as Moulin Rouge or Pay it Forward or AI. There were many pop culture references made in POPULAR, from vintage stars like Joan Crawford and Lauren Bacall to frequent references to Gwyneth Paltrow and Madonna. The character Nicole Julian was basically a combination of Sharon Stone and Madonna. She was the perfect example of the bad girl with a heart of gold, and I loved how fully developed her character became as the series progressed. All of the characters were multi-dimensional and very real.
I really hated to see these characters, who felt like friends, go. But I guess it mirrored the transition we all make to adult. The show ended, I graduated high school a couple years later, but now when I watch the show it's like I'm back in high school again. Not that I miss high school--it was a difficult time and I'm glad I've moved on, but I still have vivid memories that come back to life when I watch the show. It's a magical experience that I cherish.
More than anything, the show had heart. It was extremely kooky, and sometimes really lame, but that was all part of its charm. It had its serious, dramatic moments, like when Brooke has an eating disorder and shares a very special relationship with Harrison, or when Nicole saves Harrison's life on Christmas. It's all just really beautiful and heartwarming in a way that is lacking from most TV shows. There is no lack of depth in POPULAR. It never glossed over the real issues all of us--not just high schoolers--face. It painted a very true picture of relationships and the struggles we face.
It's a great show, and of course a few of the episodes are clunkers, but the magical episodes make up for it. One in particular, in which Ann Margaret guest stars, is just great. Also, who can forget some of Mary Cherry or Nicole Julian's lines? Priceless! I still remember from my first viewing of the episode where Mary Cherry is gluing someone to a toilet seat and she shrieks, "This is what Lauren Bacall uses to hold up her face!" In what other show could you possibly expect to hear a line like that? It's part of the fun of this show."
Claude Bouchard Jr. | Frederick, MD | 03/14/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"First, let me say that "Popular" has to be a Top 10 contender for Most Original TV Series. It's truly sad that poor ratings killed this unexpectedly twisted (in a good way) show. Who wouldn't enjoy watching Mary Cherry's weekly histrionics? And the cliffhanger during the final episode...WOW!
Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe this DVD set includes an episode titled "Fag" that was never aired, presumably because of its bold in-your-face presentation of discrimination (not just homophobia, mind you, but other types of discrimination as well). If I'm correct in my assumption, then this proves how deep this show was on all levels. And I'm glad it was included on the DVD release. As a gay man who's always had a weight problem, I could relate to that episode in more than one way. It should have been a contender for a GLAAD award.
Now for the faults: I can't speak as others have about the deletion of certain music tracks, though as someone else mentioned I did wonder why Carmen referred to Sheena Easton in one particular episode when the music was generic pseudo-aerobics. However, I will complain that the extra features are pitiful indeed. Out of 21 episodes, there are TWO (that's right, count 'em) commentary tracks. You mean to tell me that no one could spare an afternoon or two to record these tracks?! Let's face it, the actors did a great job on this show, but it's not like they're in high demand and appearing in a multitude of A-list Hollywood releases...And, adding insult to injury, in the commentray track for "The Brain Game" episode which is presented by Leslie Bibb (Brooke) and Bryce Johnson (Josh), Mr. Johnson excuses himself after 15 minutes or so stating he has to go, leaving Miss Bibb to handle the commentary duties by herself! What's up with that? The two remaining features consist of previews for four DVD series that include crap shows such as Felicity and Sweet Valley High as well as a truly mind-numbing and idiotic-beyond-belief "self-test" on popularity.
If you listened to the commentary tracks on the Season One DVD's, you know how dear and special this show is to creator/director/writer Ryan Murphy and to the why aren't there more special features to indicate this? A few interviews would have been nice for the fans.
Popular, the show: 5
The extras: 1"
Clarke | Warwick, RI USA | 03/15/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"First, to E. Babcock, Harrison did choose Brooke, she ran off because Sam had started to cry. At , on the last page of the episode guide, there is all the information about season three that had been written prior to WB pulling the plug (as provided by series creator/writer/producer Ryan Murphy). I think it is difficult to compare season one to season two as season one was under much tighter constrictions for wackiness, but season two went all out (even though it definitely had more dramatic drama). I think by the end of season two, these characters have been fleshed out enough that a season three would have been extremely sour.
Gripes about the DVD:
Only two with Bryce, Leslie (Bibb), and Chris...the second one with just Bryce and Leslie, and Bryce leaves about twenty minutes into it. I cannot believe Ryan Murphy didn't lend his own thought to a commentary or two. Not to mention, the commentaries aren't even on big plot-filled episodes (the Leslie-only one is on "The Brain Game"...the lowest rated episode of first-run Popular ever). I mean, I would have loved a commentary on "Fag" and on "Promblems". Also, this DVD had much better cases (to hold the disks in place), yet in mine, two of the sleeves were with prongs, but one was like the first season ones.
The future:
I would love to see these sets rereleased...with more commentaries, the deleted scenes (including extended Carmen/Lily kiss) originally promised in the season one set, deleted scenes in season two, "Where are they now"-type featurettes about the actors, interviews with cast and crew about the show, a featurette with Ryan Murphy about season three Popular, maybe an interactive feature that allows you to read the scripts that were written for season three, and more. Not to mention, better disk cases. Some sort of behind-the-scenes featurette has to be possible, I mean there's about ten to fifteen minutes of just extended-opening-credits footage for the season two menus...they've got to have more!
High highs and some low lows
Lamesy | NJ/NY | 03/21/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Off the bat, both Popular sets are worth their weight in gold if only for the character of Mary Cherry. That's a given. Moving on...
During the second season of Popular, when buzz wore off and ratings began to dip, the show obviously got desperate. The second season is wildly uneven when juxtaposed with the first, because they were given license to try anything and everything to recoup ratings. This led to some big payoffs, as well as some dreadfully boring storylines.
Let's face it - the dramatic elements of the series are trite. While the drama is borderline campy, it's not indulgent enough to be fun. It's simply very time consuming. You can fast forward through just about any scene of Joe moping around the hospital. And why add dimension to Nicole, when the caricature is what we fell in love with? No television program with a metal-fingered character should be attempting this kind of crap.
On the plus side, Ryan Murphy more or less turned the second season into a Mary Cherry vehicle after she became the breakout hit (who else was in high school when this show was on? Mary Cherry was all anyone ever spoke about!) It seems that when the superserious episodes didn't work, they'd just throw reality out the window. During these flights of fancy, Popular served up hilarious absurdism like no other series at the time (maybe Strangers w/ Candy, were they concurrent?). The expertly delivered satire far outweighs the "dramedy" aspect, and Popular still adds up to being the second best production to come out of the WB (it's not quite Buffy, but it can get bigger laughs)."