Popeye the Sailor is called to wartime duty! UNCENSORED
Paul J. Mular | San Carlos, CA USA | 06/16/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Just a word of caution, these are from the wartime years and do contain non-politically correct wartime stereotypes.
This collection completes the Max Fleischer produced cartoons on disc 1 & some of disc 2. The Famous Studios B&W produced cartoons are also included on disc 2.
Cartoons Ain't Human (Kneitel)(1943) w/ Olive Oyl & Nephews. Popeye makes an animated movie using stick figures."
Been waiting too long
Zazzyman | Massachusetts | 09/09/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I must say that the past reviewer, and his call to boycott these Popeye discs, can not be a fan who has been waiting years and years for these releases !!!! They could have doubled the price and probably made close to the same number of sales. I paid more for crappy bootlegs !! They are almost priceless !"
Popeye: A true American Icon
Steven T. Siegert | 11/06/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Is it kind of ironic that this DVD set was released on election day? I'm pretty sure I am in the majority that I bought this set on the day of its release, but did not have a chance to watch it until the day after due to the election. We were originally supposed to have this set on September 30, but it got delayed in order to prevent the issues that arose with Volume 2. While I was disappointed about the delay at first, let me just say it was worth the wait.
After watching disc 1 last night after work, and disc 2 this morning, I can't more than recommend this set to anyone who is a fan of Popeye or Golden Age animation. This set appeals to both the casual fan and the hardcore collector. And what is best about the format Warner's is following is the fact that they have chosen to release the Popeye shorts in chronological order, something they could've (and should've) done with Tom and Jerry.
Disc 1 starts off with 1941's "Problem Pappy" and ends with 1942's "Olive Oyl and Water Don't Mix". The first 7 on this disc are the last to have the ship-door opening title sequence. The remaining 11 cartoons on this disc (as well as the first 4 on disc 2) go to a new opening sequence that features a close-up of Popeye's pipe "toot-tooting" in sequence to the opening theme. Among the best shorts on this disc are "Problem Papp", "Quiet! Pleeze", "Child Psykolojiky", and "Pest Pilot", which have Popeye paired with his troublesome father Poopdeck Pappy. Also among the best on this disc are the first few Popeye shorts that relate to World War II. The first Popeye short with a wartime theme, "The Mighty Navy" was actually produced before America entered the war (the identity of the enemy is kept secret), but it was quite obvious at the time many Americans knew their country would eventually be involved in a war. Other wartime greats on this disc include "Blunder Below" (unedited here; most TV airings have edits) and "Fleets of Stren'th".
Disc 2 starts off strong and kind of lags towards the end. I will admit, I am not much of a fan of anything made post-Fleischer. The first two shorts on this disc are the last two produced by the Fleischers. The next 14 are among the first Popeye shorts produced by Famous Studios, and also the remainder of the Popeye shorts filmed in black-and-white. Actually, the first two Famous shorts credit Paramount since a studio name had not been decided upon yet. The real gems on this disc are the wartime shorts that can't been shown on television today, which include "You're a Sap, Mr. Jap, " "Scrap the Japs" and "Seein' Red, White n' Blue". All three of these pretty harshly stereotype Japanese and may offend some (especially anyone who is of Japanese descent). The way they are presented in this collection, however, is the right way to present them on a commercial release. Having them released in chronological order (and having "1941-1943" in the program's title) will caution many who may be blind to the fact that such racist depictions did exist back then. Also, like many people have mentioned in reviews for other classic-era releases by Warner, there is a disclaimer at the beginning of the disc explaining the context of such stereotypes. Since most people probably know ahead of time, I doubt this set will suffer the same fate that "The Golden Age of Looney Tunes" did almost two decades ago when the inclusion of a certain wartime short named "Bugs Bunny Nips the Nips" caused controversy to the point where the set had to be recalled. Aside from those three, Popeye also battles the Nazis in "Spinach fer Britain" (which has had limited airings on "The Popeye Show" that used to air on Cartoon Network). Other great cartoons on this disc include "The Hungry Goat" and "Happy Birthdaze", the latter of which is the first of three cartoons to feature Popeye's friend Shorty, whose name is a perfect description of the character.
I am not going to go into much detail of the bonus content on this set. In my opinion, the best feature was a Popumentary about the wartime shorts. Also worth watching is the feature on early animation from the 1910's through the 1930's. In addition to that, there are two more Popumentaries and a handful of Fleischer "Out of the Inkwell" shorts that feature Koko the Clown. However, the bonus shorts are from the silent era, and may be hard to sit through if you aren't used to watching a film with no sound, because absolutely no music tracks are played with these films.
Overall, this volume is on par with the first Popeye set released in terms of quality. Like it was explained many times before, the delay in the release of this set was to make sure all the cartoons are presented as close to original as possible. Not a single cartoon on this set has any A.A.P. produced titles, and once again, Warner's has done a terrific job with their restoration efforts. These cartoons never looked so good, and I no longer have to dig through all those VHS tapes in my basement which I used to tape these cartoons off of TV. In conclusion, if you haven't already, you should buy this set.
One last thing (sorry to go off-topic). I have heard that people have finally received their volume 2 replacement discs. I haven't ordered mine yet, is it too late to call? If I do call, how long should it take? As long as it would arrive within the next 4 months, it should arrive before I move to a new address."
Many source prints grainy and too contrasty
Frank Provasek | Fort Worth, TX USA | 11/10/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"All of the "ship door title and credits" cartoons seem to have the Paramount logo and "Paramount presents Popeye..." title cards digitally spliced in from a single source print, after which a grainier and much more contrasty print is used. Looks like somebody had the telecine on AUTO rather than trying to match the different source elements.
Some reasonable amount of digital noise reduction would have made a tremendous improvement in the look of these cartoons. The spocket wear jitter and rapid brightness changes (flickering) are all left as-is for your enjoyment...There is no reason for these newer cartoons to look WORSE than the 1930s cartoons on Vol 1 except for scrimping on the restoration.
The extras are skimpy and unimaginative. Enough with the silent Koko the Clown cartoons! It just takes ONE to show how much the Fleischers improved in just a few years! How about some sample episodes of the 1960-61 TV Popeyes or "Popeye and Son" or the sorta gay Minute Maid orange juice commercial, or a side by side running of an original B&W Popeye with a horrible retraced colorized Korean remake with the pink and mustard color scheme?
Still, these cartoons on Vol 3 are probably the most fun of the entire series, particular the politically incorrect ones.
Jon | NY | 11/11/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I've read repeatedly how "cruel" the portrayal of the Japanese is in wartime cartoons. As cruel as the Bataan death march? As cruel as Nanking? POW treatment? Do I need to go on?
Besides, where caricatures are concerned Popeye and Bluto have never been ideal caucasian portrayals of American manhood.
Let's face it, in Golden Age cartoons, almost everyone is ugly - with the exception of Superman and Red Hot Riding Hood!
So I was thrilled beyond the ability to express myself at the inclusion on this volume of "Your A Sap Mr. Jap" and others.
This Stalinesque "politically correct" trend finally has a challenge.
A pity it's not more high profile, but it will do for now.
It is perfectly alright with me that slurs and slander against race, color and creed are not acceptable in modern children's entertainment.
It is NOT ACCEPTABLE to go and re-create the work of yesteryear and white-wash history.
There are plenty of harmless examples of Popeye, Bugs, Daffy, and Tom & Jerry to placate and expose children to without butchering the few cartoons that today seem questionable and/or inappropriate.
Seeing as how the dvd trend is too smaller less expensive cartoon compilations, I will leave it to the wisdom of entertainment executives to produce compilations aimed at children and maybe a few for adults.
I'm pleased that it was Time/Warner that released this - perhaps we'll even see "Bugs Bunny Nips the Nips" someday, hardly a cartoon 'worse' than the few Popeye's presented here.
For a change, thank you Warner Entertainment.
You did the right thing, and if this new start towards allowing parents/adults to police their own entertainment becomes a trend instead of having it censored for them - insulting everyone involved - I will whole heartedly and with a loose wallet support further dvd releases from Warner Entertainment."