Possibly the worst movie ever produced
Peter S. Haslam | Geneva, IL USA | 11/28/2002
(1 out of 5 stars)
"This film is terrible beyond description. Avoid at all costs."
If you love the Police Academy films... you'll still hate th
Trevor Willsmer | London, England | 02/13/2008
(1 out of 5 stars)
"The Police Academy series came crashing to a halt with the ill-fated and much belated Police Academy: Mission to Moscow. It's a film which leaves you asking Why? What? How? And why again? (a question that just can't be asked enough). Shot in Russia during the 1991 coup (rather than the 1993 constitutional crisis) but not released until three years later, and then in conditions of near-total secrecy, it took a pitiful $126,247 in the US, a staggering 1/670th of the first film's gross and about $126,246.97 more than it's worth. It's a film so astonishingly bad it almost staggers the imagination. The human vocabulary has still not evolved to a level that can truly articulate just how utterly wrong this film is.
Lazy, badly acted, hopelessly directed, plastered with inept musical Mickey Mousing and cartoon sound-effects to underline non-existent jokes, barely even scripted and photographed with all the artistry of a basic cable infomercial, this seems to have been made in the vain hope that - by applying infinite number of monkeys with infinite number of typewriters logic - if you point the camera in the general direction of the cast and they make some noise vaguely resembling human speech, you might just get something funny if you keep the cameras rolling long enough. Nothing is developed or possesses even the vaguest level of internal logic: why, after battering a hole in a hotel door, do two characters just walk away, bored? Is it because nobody bothered to finish writing the scene? Why does G.W. Bailey disguise himself as a ballerina to arrest Ron Perlman? Is it so inexplicable because the scene with the exposition just never got filmed because they ran out of money? Considering the quality of the rest of the film, it can't be because it was too bad to include - you get the impression that if they shot anything, it's in the picture no matter how bad just to pad out the running time. Every expense has been spared. Aside from not even affording a number 7 for the title, let alone retakes, there's no big stunt finale, no Russian Blue Oyster Bar (admittedly that joke retired in Police Academy 4: Citizens On Patrol), and, aside from George Gaynes' Commandant Lassard and G.W. Bailey, only three of the original cast return, and they go through the film with a palpable air of despair that all their hopes and dreams of a glittering career have come to this. RichardCat's IMDB review sums up the sheer despondency of the cast perfectly - the performances do indeed have the sense of `souls bleeding.' Definitely one mission you should decline.
A final sequel that shouldn't have been made
Movie Dude | Georgia | 03/30/2003
(1 out of 5 stars)
"After the disappointment of Police Academy 5 and the improvement of Police Academy 6, you would think this final sequel would have been a nice finish to the series. Wrong! Police Academy: Mission to Moscow is the worst of the films. It even makes Police Academy 5 look somewhat good. Most of the actors from the previous Police Academy movies have left the series by now and with good reason. The plot is no good and not even Captain Harris (G.W. Bailey) could have saved the loss of humor in this movie. If you are a person who has never seen any of the Police Academy sequels or have not gotten past #4, do yourself a favor by skipping #5, watch #6, and avoid this final sequel at all cost! To sum up this review, only watch Police Academy 1,2,3,4, and 6."
What the heck happened!
Movie Dude | 09/27/1999
(1 out of 5 stars)
"The 6th one was better than this. Read the other review it says the same thing I want to say. Rent 1,2,3,4,5, not 6 and certainly not 7."