Johto photo finish
JON DANIEL | Jeffreyston,Pembrokeshire,Wales | 10/30/2003
(4 out of 5 stars)
"vol 5 is probably the best of johto league episodes. It's got better storylines and more crunch in the battles. The reunion of friends gives vol 5 a more exciting punch to watch. The good thing is that it shows how hard a pokemon trainer has to work, especially for the gym badges."
It'd be ok, if they hadn't changed around the moves.
Stephen J. Grenleski | Cartersville, GA USA | 07/19/2007
(2 out of 5 stars)
"I don't watch the cartoons, because they change the moves around so much. For instance, in a battle, Ash's Pokemon used a move that would have hit the opponent, but the opponent used Gust to block the move, and the opponent wasn't hurt, when the move Ash used should have hit the opponent because in the game Gust doesn't block moves. also,one other time, the opponent used Swords Dance to block a move. Swords Dance doesn't block attacks, it just raises the user's attack stat. That just really turned me off, because they use Stat-changing moves to block moves, that doesn't block in the game. Then there is when Ash's Pokemon disobey him, even though he has the badges to make them obey, I.e. Ash lost in the first anime, indigo league, because his Charizard wouldn't listen to him, but Ash had earned the 8th badge, and the 8th badge, all Pokemon are to obey their trainer, regardless of the Pokemon's level, like in the games. I would have been interested if they had keep it the same as in the games, and if they had, Ash wouldn't have lost so many times in the cartoon. The only saving thing about it is that some episodes has Umbreon in it. Umbreon is the best!"