The end of a Poké-era!
Jurai's Heir | Denham Springs, LA, USA | 05/08/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"All 3-disc are in Dolby Digital 2.0 sound and all are in the English language.
Closed Captioning only, no subtitles on any of the 3-disc.
No special features or banned episodes again.
The picture format is in Fullscreen 1.33:1
'Pikachu's Jukebox' is hear, it's just not included as a special feature since it appears in between episodes.
Disc 1: Episodes 53-61
53. Princess vs. Princess
54. The Purr-fect Hero
55. Riddle Me This
56. Volcanic Panic
57. Beach Blank-out Blastoise
58. The Misty Mermaid
59. Clefairy Tales
60. The Battle Of The Badge
61. It's Mr. Mime Time
Disc 2: Episodes 62-70
62. Holiday Hi-Jynx
63. Snow Way Out!
64. Showdown At The Po-ké Corral
65. The Evolution Solution
66. The Pi-kahuna
67. Make Room For Bloom!
68. Lights, Camera, Quack-tion
69. Hollywood Heartbreak
70. To Master The Onixpected
Disc 3: Episodes 71-79
71. The Ancient Puzzle Of Pokémopolis
72. Bad To The Bone
73. All Fired Up!
74. Round One - Begin!
75. Fire And Ice
76. The Fourth Round Rumble
77. A Friend In Deed
78. Friend And Foe Alike
79. Friends To The End"
Pokemon season 1 Volume 3
Robert C. Appleby | 12/12/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"If you (like my ten-year-old son and I) enjoy Pokemon video games, cards and movies, this is for you; this DVD is the third and final collection of the first year of the fantastically-popular Pokemon TV show that first aired in 1999 or so. Find out why james is such a dweeb- delightin Meowth's story - find out what happened to Jesse on Doll Day! This also includes a visit to Santa's polar workshop by Ash, Misty and Brock! All in all, a great investment for Pokemon fans!"