Little Molly Hale has always led a lonely life- but things only get worse for her when the long-lost Unown cause her father to mysteriously vanish one day. But things start to seem brighter when the power of the Unown star... more »ts to change the world around her into a fantasy land. She soon lives in a crystal palace, and has the Legendary Entei as a dad! There's only one thing missing from the equation- a mother. So Molly ends up claiming someone else's mom for her very own: Delia Ketchum, Ash's mom! Ash was expecting to have a fun time in the town of Greenfield, but now he must venture into a vast crystal wasteland in order to rescue the person who means the most to him. Brock, Misty, and Pikachu are right there by his side, but it won't be easy - Molly wants to stay in her fantasy world forever, and Entei will do whatever it takes to make that happen!« less