The adventure explodes into action with the debut of Mewtwo, a bio-engineered Pokemon created from the DNA of Mew, the rarest of all Pokemon. Determined to prove its superiority, Mewtwo lures Ash, Pikachu and others into a... more » Pokemon match like none before. Mewtwo vs. Mew. Super-clones vs. Pokemon. It's the ultimate showdown ... with the very future of the world at stake! Also, includes the mini-movie Pikachu's Vacation and never-before-seen bonus footage!DVD Features:
Audio Commentary:Commentary by M. Haigney & N. Grossfeld
Featurette:"Pikachu's Vacation" - 19:00 with chapters
Music Video:"Don't Say You Love Me" by M2M (3:42)
Other:Preview of "Pokemon: The Second Movie" (1:00) "Mewtwo's Origin" (2:17)« less
Lisa B. from BOULDER CREEK, CA Reviewed on 10/14/2009...
This is our second go-round for Pokemon movies, we saw them in the theater when it first came out, and now the teenagers take a trip down memory lane. What it comes down to: If you love Pokemon, you'll love this movie!
Movie Reviews
A Mom's perspective:
(5 out of 5 stars)
"My review is purely from a parent's perspective:I have twoboys, 9 and almost 11. They love Pokemon. They loved Ninja Turtles,Power Rangers, Star Wars, etc. so you know they are prone to being led by commercialism. Pokemon encourages nurturing, caring, and ideals like honesty, acceptance, and forgiveness. The good trainers protect and care for Pokemon. The bad guys exploit them and put their own selfish motives ahead of the Pokemon. The middle-can-be-turned-around characters learn from their mistakes and are forgiven by the main characters. Even Jessie and James occasionally show remorse and are treated with compassion.Do Pokemon battle? Yes. Unlike Ninja Turtles, Power Rangers, and Star Wars, however, a Pokemon doesn't have to be hurt or killed to be defeated. Their weapons are inner strengths that they are born with. And no trainer worth his salt lets his Pokemon get injured. It's not hard to take the lessons from Pokemon and apply them to the reality of the child.It's like Beanie Babies -- I know they're making a fortune leading our kids around by the nose. But it's relatively benign and I watch every video with them to make sure nothing changes. On a long trip in the truck, I let them play the two CD's -- the music is actually very enjoyable for me (and I'm 46!) and contains no bad language.And I liked Pikachu's Vacation film much better than the actual Pokemon movie... but my boys loved both!"
Great DVD!
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This movie is exellent! I loved it at the theaters. It was so cool watching Mewtwo and Mew fight it out. Another thing that was cool is Pikachu Vacation mini movie. I got some real laughs over there though their really was just only pokemon. The best part is when Raichu and Pikachu battle it out in a race. It also showed some pokemon from Gold and Silver. But even if you saw it at the theaters... STILL BUY IT. Chances are that you didn't get a card but when you buy the VHS or DVD you get the Mewtwo Promo card (I think it's a promo card. If not just know that it is a Mewtwo, and it has the same attacks of the promo Mewtwo.) with a different picture. You also get both Mewtwo Strikes Back and Pikachu's Vacation and a bonus..... A PREVIEW OF THE SECOND MOVIE!"
An insult to the Japanese version
Tina Bauer | Arizona | 03/25/2000
(1 out of 5 stars)
"First off, let me say that the Japanese version of Mewtwo Strikes Back is, IMO, the best the pokemon world had to offer, and my personal favorite. The American version, is well, really bad.I have seen both versions, and most notably, they change absolutely everything in the American version. And I do mean absolutely everything.The plot is not the same as in the original Japanese version. In the original, the basic plot is a confused Mewtwo resenting the fact that he was created by humans, not God, and thinks his life has no meaning. Throughout the movie, Mewtwo tries to get revenge on those who made him and tried to enslave him, and more importantly, to prove his worth as a living being by beating his original, Mew.The American version simply has Mewtwo trying to take over the world and destroying everything.The original has an introduction that depicts Mewtwo as somewhat of a confused child, not knowing who he is, what he is, or why he is there, a theme that is emphasized throughout the movie. He is told that he was made by humans and is a clone, which upset him, to say the least. Mewtwo only teams up with Giovanni because the crime boss offers to give some value to Mewtwo's life. In the American version, It starts off with a really bad speech about the meaning of life, then a short little bit of the scientists explaining to Mewtwo that he was a experiment, Mewtwo getting ticked, and blowing up the place. Giovanni comes along, and they agree to destroy stuff together.I won't go into all that much detail about the rest of the movie, but I will point out some major changes.First, the intro song is different, of course, and is in fact, worse. A lot of the dialogue is different, aside from the everyday stuff, like Ash saying, "I said I was too tired to work, not battle!" as opposed to "Just one or two battles before lunch!" For example, every single line Team Rocket says is different. I am not kidding. The scene about Jessie holding up a frying pan is originally about them having no food to cook, as opposed to Jessie's horrible cooking. Also, not once in the original did Team Rocket make a bad pun. In the American version, that was the only thing they did.The pier master in the original says that one can tell what the conditions are in the ocean by asking the seagulls, while in the American version, she speaks of a legend of magical tears that can revive living things. (Gotta explain the ending to us dumb Americans)Also, the American version says nothing about the fossilized eyelash of Mew that was created to form Mewtwo. Heck, the entire computer speech was different. In the original, it was a third, unnamed, person who spoke, not the scientist.The speech Mewtwo gives to the trainers when they first meet him is completely different, as well. In the original, Mewtwo says that humans are weak and cruel, and the world will fall into ruin because they control it. He also says that Pokemon are no better off, since they choose to associate with humans. Not once did he say anything about taking over the world, but it is vaguely suggested. Also, it is Mewtwo who says that they should battle pokemon to see who is the strongest, the clones verses the originals.In the American Version, Mewtwo basically says he'll destroy all humans and take over the world.This is a key change in the movie: In the original when Mew appears, it says that originals will never be defeated by their copies when they fight without special powers. Thus, Mew is partially responsible for the big battle that follows. The battle itself is about pokemon fighting for the meaning of their lives, since, (as Mewtwo sees it) clones have no value, and whomever wins will be the 'real' one, not the worthless clone.In the American, Mew is free of all sin, and says that pokemon's greatest strength is their heart, or some corny thing like that, and the battle is basically the clones trying to destroy the originals for no reason.I'd also like to point out that the original had a pretty good music score in this scene, while the American version had a really bad teeny bopper song playing inappropriately in the background.Also, the original have the humans who are watching says a whole heck of a lot more about how Mewtwo and all the clones are living beings with value, while in the American, that was touched on briefly, followed by people crying out how bad it is that everyone's fighting.And as little other thing, when the two Nayasus meet, in the original, the copy says that Nayasu is not fair because he is not fighting with him, and also they talk about philosophy and the moon, and how tasteful it is to be talking about the moon at a time like this. The American version simply has Meowth saying that fighting is bad. The ending is different by quite a bit too, naturally. In both the original and American version, it appears that the humans forgive Mewtwo for what he has done. This is *much* more implied in the original as opposed to the American version. Also, in the original, Mewtwo states that it does not matter who is more powerful, that the clones and originals both have value, and nothing else about the matter. He also says that it would be best if no one knew about what happened. The American version tacks on some stuff about how he realizes fighting is wrong, and that he shouldn't have made things just to destroy them, and other forced moralisms. When Mewtwo flies off in the end in the original, he says that he will find a place where clones can live in peace, while the American version goes on trying to shove morals in a movie that originally did not have one. I guess to put it bluntly, WB seriously dumbed down the movie and simplified it. In the original, Mewtwo is battling for revenge, but more importantly to add meaning to his life. That is why he wants to prove he is the most powerful pokemon, so that he can prove to the world, and most importantly to himself, that he is in fact a living being with value, since he relates power with value. Mewtwo is not evil in this film, just confused, misguided, and really ticked off.The American version takes that element out, and portrays Mewtwo as an evil pokemon who wants to destroy the world. That is why I got sick when seeing the American version. (Did I mention that the voice acting in the American version was really bad also?)"
Mewtwo Strikes Back
Elenchus | USA | 04/19/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Before you turn down this movie due to the negative reviews of other people, please read my review.
This is a much more powerful and deep tale than, "evil Pokemon wants to rule the world". Dr, Fuji was a scientist who wanted to bring back his dead daughter, Ai. He decided to do this, by cloning her. He decided to clone a Pokemon, and discover their life force, since the human clone could only live for four years. Thus, Mewtwo, a clone of the most rare and most powerful Pokemon ever, Mew, was born.
Even though they were in separate glass cylinders (that kept them alive) mew and Ai could communicate telepathically. Mewtwo began to learn about the world around him. But, as it happened, it had been four years, and Ai died. Her father, Dr. Fuji, was not worried. He had her DNA, and he could clone her again. This made Mewtwo angry. How dare he just replace her?! She was a living being! Not a toy you can just replace again and again! Mewtwo became unstable, and they had to tranquilize him.
A year or so later, Mewtwo awoke. He learned that he was not born a Pokemon, but created. Created? He wondered. He was told that he was a clone. An experiment. A mere scientific product. He became angry. He was angry with the scientists who created him. They created him to be only an experiment, and nothing else. How could they? Furious at his own existence, he destroyed the lab, and everyone inside. Soon, Giovanni, the leader of the evil Team Rocket, and the man who ordered the scientists to create Mewtwo discovered him. Giovanni offered a deal. That he would train Mewtwo, and they would rule the earth together. Mewtwo ignore him. He did not need help. But the cruel Giovanni insisted that Mewtwo had no control over his powers, and he could help Mewtwo harness them. Mewtwo agreed to this.
Giovanni created Mewtwo a battle suit, and had him fight. But soon, Mewtwo discovered that Giovanni didn't care about Mewtwo. Giovanni thought that Mewtwo was worth nothing. That he was created to fight for Giovanni, and for no other
This made Mewtwo angry. Giovanni believed that Mewtwo was an inferior being. How dare he? How dare he say that Mewtwo was only created to fight?! Furious, he left.
He went back to New Island, where the original lab had been, and created a new one. Humans, the horrible species that created him, that used him, and betrayed him. They cared nothing for clones, and he would make them pay. He would challenge the strongest trainers to come and fight, and then he would clone their Pokemon. He would have them fight, the Originals and the Clones, and see who had more worth. It was a war to see who would control the earth, clones, or originals. He would get his revenge.
And so, he formed his plan. He created a giant storm, so only the strongest would make it through. The trainers came, and the battle of the century began. Mew, the original came to New Island. Mew was a protector Pokemon, and watched over all of the Pokemon. She would not let Mewtwo destroy the planet! And so, Mewtwo cloned the trainer's Pokemon, and had them fight.
The originals and clones fought viciously, their trainers watching horrified. Mew and Mewtwo also faced off. Ash Ketchum, a Pokemon trainer watched his Pokemon fight. He realized that it had to stop. As Mew and Mewtwo formed energy balls, and ran into the middle of the crossfire, turning him to stone.
It was at that moment the Pokemon realized what would happen as a result of this senseless fighting. And the Pokemon, clone and original cried. Mewtwo was shocked. These Pokemon crying for a human? The species that had abused and betrayed him?
The Pokemon tears were filled with life, and Ash was restored. Then Mewtwo realized something. That senseless war was not the answer, and that originals and clones could live together, in harmony. That everyone deserved equality. Mewtwo ceased the fighting, and took his clones to a place where they could live in peace. He wiped the memories of everyone except his clones and Mew, and everything was restored to normal.
This movie is very powerful, and holds a meaningful message. Please, watch this movie and experience Pokemon at its greatest. Thank you."
If only....
Tina Bauer | 12/12/2004
(2 out of 5 stars)
"*Sigh* When I first saw this movie, I loved it. I was obsessed with it, I had no negative comments on it whatsoever except maybe the crappy DVD/VHS box art, but now...
I am a Pokemon Fan. Unlike most low raters of this movie, I am not giving it a two due to being biased against it, as I am an avid Pokemon lover, but the story behind this movie is just plain sad(sad as in sad, not pathetic)
The plot of this movie, in a nutshell, is Mewtwo, a super-powerful pokemon is resentful toward his human creators and wants to destroy them and take over the world, but then lures Pokemon trainers to an island fortress to clone their Pokemon and them pit them against the originals to prove that clones are stronger.
Do you know what the plot, in a nutshell, was in the JAPANESE version? They cut out the long, twenty minute beginning of the movie which may have been the best part: Mewtwo as a baby talking with a girl and three other clones about life and who they are. Then, in the main movie, Mewtwo, who has been created for the sole purpose of fighting, clones trainers' Pokemon in order to destroy all humans and allow clones to live not as the products as science. But when confronted by the trainers, Mewtwo, after having been told his sole purpose in life is to fight, pits the clones and originals against one another and they fight because they believe that their lives are not meant for anything else.
Nearly all Pokemon fans with a brain want to horribly maul the Engilsh dubbers for how they mutilated such a wonderful Japanese plot. For a long time I wondered why they changed it, until I realized, after a conversation about plot with my younger sister, the plan behind it.
Little kids don't like plot. They cant register depth, they don't comprehend theme, and meaningful plot means nothing to them. "I'm stronger than you so we'll fight to see who's better," on the other hand, is what they live for, and I think it's truly sad how this good movie went to waste. Yes, it still is entertaining, and I still enjoy it, and yet...if only there was a way to see how the movie would have turned out if it had been dubbed directly into English, with the original splendor still intact."