Holy Matrimony!
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The episode "Holy Matrimony" is very good! James' past life is very interesting. I don't want to give anything away. If you like James at all, you'll like this episode!"
Absolutely fantastic!
Haruka and Michiru fan | 02/04/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Attack of the Prehistoric Pokemon: Cool episode with Charmeleon evolving into Charizard - just to be able to fight Aerodactyl! It marks a turning point because of Togepi's egg and Charmeleon's evolution. A Chansey Operation: I don't like this episode. It was . . . unsettling. Why would a grown man like Dr. Proctor flirt with little teenage Jessie? Holy Matrimony!: The best episode ever created. By the way, James doesn't have THAT much of a British accent. The only reason I bet he even sort of sounds British is 'cos I suppose he never was around his parents much as a child . . . and all he had to hang around was Growly, his butler (who REALLY has a British accent; I imagine that's where James got his accent from), and Rumika (known to American viewers as Jessebelle, but I despise her so much I'd rather call her by her Japanese name). And then . . . this episode proves that Jessie and James have feelings for each other (not that certain other episodes don't). The end of this episode proved that . . . I mean, did you see the way they were LOOKING at each other? The way that they were holding hands? The way Jessie got when she saw James in the balloon? The way her eyes were sparkling when he pulled her into the balloon? And the fact that James didn't even bother with Meowth, and only pulled Jessie into the balloon? And the fact that Jessie and James were so involved with each other that they forgot about Meowth?!"
Such a cute group of episodes!
tailspower5 | philadelphia, pa United States | 01/14/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I LOVED these episodes, mainly Holy Matrimony! James is such a cute and funny character! I'm glad they finally told about his past, but it's surprising he can stay so sweet and charming even with those parents! *_* Plus, it proves James really cares for Jessie: Why else would he leave an abusive woman with the same beauty for one exactly like her only poor? AHA! Rocketshippiness at it's best! Oh, yeah Charmeleon evolves, too... >"
A Must For Rocketshippers
Adam Martinez | Glendora, CA United States | 10/09/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The first two episodes are good, but the main reason to get this is for "Holy Matrimony!" IMO this is the most rocketshippy episode ever, and most people would agree. For those that don't know, rocketshippers are people who think J&J have feelings for each other. This is also the only episode that Rumishippy comes from, Rumika being Jessebelle, even though this puts Kojiro and Rumika out of the question, some people still think they like each other."