Ash and his friends depart for the Orange Islands! While the may leave some old friends behind and meet new friends, Ash and Pikachu continue their wild adventures on Ash's quest to become a Pokemon Master! Contains four... more » volumes, 12 episodes on one disc for $24.98. That's four hours of Pokemon -- a great value!!« less
"After a year long delay, the first of the three Orange Islands DVDs has finally been released! Pokemon fans know the Orange Island series as a short 33 episode "bridge" between the Indigo Pokemon League (the Red and Blue games) and the Johto League (based on the Gold and Silver games). Some regard the Orange League episodes as the best of the series, as this was the only series that was not based on the video games, so the writers were given more creative freedom about what they could have the characters do.
In a nutshell, Ash, Misty and Brock arrive on the Orange Islands to retrieve a mysterious Pokeball for Professor Oak. While Ash and Misty decide to go off and explore the islands, Brock stays behind to assist Prof. Ivy. Ash and Misty soon meet up with Tracey, a Pokemon Watcher who likes to sketch Pokemon and people. He travels with them, which turns out to be a good idea, since he is familiar with the entire Orange Island chain. As they explore and discover new Pokemon, Ash is also competing in the Orange League (what a shocker, huh?)This DVD contains 12 episodes:
-Pallet Party Panic - Picking up right where the Indigo League left off, Pallet Town is throwing a party for Ash, but some uninvited guests stir up trouble...
-A Scare in the Air - Traveling to the Orange Islands by blimp sounds like a good idea, but with Team Rocket piloting, you know trouble's coming.
-Pokeball Peril - Arriving on the Orange Islands, Ash and company meet the beautiful Professor Ivy, who possesses a strange Pokeball.
-The Lost Lapras - Ash and Misty meet up with Tracey, and they try to help a injured Lapras to find its family.
-Fit To Be Tide - Ash faces off with his first Gym Leader, but finds the Orange League a lot different to what he's used to...
-Pikachu Revolts! - Someone is controlling the minds of Pokemon! Could someone nastier than Jessie and James be behind it?
-The Crystal Onix - Ash helps a little girl find an Onix made entirely out of glass to help inspire her sculptor brother.
-In The Pink - After getting stranded by whirlpools, our heroes discover an islands inhabited by pink Pokemon!
-Shell Shock - Ancient Pokemon fossils are being uncovered, which could lead to a dark prophesy.
-Stage Fight! - Ash comes upon a traveling stage show featuring Pokemon, but one of the stars doesn't feel like performing.
-Bye Bye, Psyduck! - Misty's blundering Psyduck finally evolves into the super cool Golduck!... or did it?
-The Joy of Pokemon - Ash and company meet a super tough Nurse Joy who aids Pokemon on small islands.The quality of the video is only a bit better than VHS, which is acceptable since there are 12 episodes jammed onto one disc. The audio is great, though pursuits will grip that there is still no Japanese track. Subtitles are available and fortunately the disc goes to the main menu instead of playing the episodes immediately. The trailer for Pokemon 4Ever is also available.
Any Pokemon fan would love this DVD and it is highly recommended, as these are some of the most creative episodes from the entire series. Let's hope Volume Two doesn't take another three years to come out!"
chuchino | Liverpool, Merseyside, United Kingdom | 10/02/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Well, as a HUGE Tracey-fan, I'm SO going to but this when it comes out. Although I'm torn netween "Hurray, they aren't ripping us off by charging us $30 for three episodes!" and "Ugh, do they have something against the Orange Islands or WHAT?!" for shoving all those episodes on one CD. Still, I love Tracey, so I will buy it, and it's better value than $100 for Tenchi Muyo, which only has 10 episodes. Of COURSE I'm going to buy this, because for ONCE, Pokemon has a genuinely original series - it's not directly lifted from the game, like "Pokemon", "Pokemon Johto Journies" and "Johto League Champions". The characters have more depth - Mateo and his glass-working stuff for example. And Tracey - supposedly Brock's replacement - has a much calmer demeanor and helps along with the romantical development between Ash and Misty, whereas Brock's constant girl-chasing tended to quash the whole thing. I would suggest any Pokemon fan to buy this, as it shows an important part of Ash's quest to become a Master.And if not, there's a couple of good Roketto-Dan centred episodes, and of course, the delectable, sexy-as-all-heck Kenji (Tracey) to keep you drooling.Dewa mataaaaaaa!!!"
The Orange League
Paul Parkerson | Petersburg, TN United States | 12/18/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The Orange League episodes are great! You get to see Ash learn and grow more with his pokemon - plus you really get to see how his training in the first season helps him succeed and be a champ in this season! A lot of people don't like the fact that Brock was replaced by Tracy , but Tracy was a great character for the Orange League episodes. And considering that Brock was a rock-type trainer and the majority of the episodes had the characters in watery surroundings , the swith only made sense. But I am glad that he's back in the Johto Journeys!"
It's about time!
lionheart4 | Philly | 08/17/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I bought this DVD back when it first came out but I'm only now getting around to reviewing it. Anyway, after wondering why they skipped the Orange Islands when putting out the DVDs they FINALLY came out with this..a TWELVE episode disc! Compared with the other Pokemon DVDs which have like 3 episodes (probably why I never bought any of those) at the same price so this is a truly awesome deal. The Orange Islands are my favorite episodes in the whole Pokemon series. I just wish there were more eps, like a full season. The atmosphere is just so lighthearted and fun..guess that tropical climate really helps. I don't really like Tracey but it's okay cuz he mostly feels like a background character who's just along for the ride. Which means that most of the focus is on Ash and Misty with plenty of Pokeshippy moments! My only complaint...would it KILL them to add some special features?? Over all, it's a great buy for any Pokemon fan and even if you're not and say you're looking to get this for your kid, it's MUCH more enjoyable and easier to sit through than say the boring Johto Journies eps. Thanks for readin!"
Is it out yet?!
ellysketchit | New Jersey, usa | 11/02/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The Orange Island series was, in my oh-so-humble opinion, *the* very best series run on "Pokemon".*cough-biased-because-of-favorite-character-cough*Seriously: Brock gets replaced by another boy, "Tracey Sketchit", for the series, and he's more mature and serious than the wild-girl-crazy kid. Sure, he has his moments and he does notice girls, but he doesn't have a major attack every time he sees anything female like it was with Brock. The shows are colorful and funny, and I love the Lapras pokemon and new additions to the pokemon species: a favorite of most fans is "marill", Tracey's little water-mouse. All in all, the series was great and here's a 26 year old cartoonist telling you that herself! ^_^"