Little Shop of Voyeurs, Full-Frontal Spoof
Joshua Koppel | Chicago, IL United States | 07/17/2003
(4 out of 5 stars)
"A shy and timid man who lives with his mother (and resembles Mel Brooks) buys a plant he thinks talked to him. His loneliness is very apparent in the way he tries to turn the plant into a friend. Well, the plant is carnivorous and can talk with a woman's sexy voice.Henry, our protagonist, now has two joys in life. One is being a voyeur (he is much too shy to actual talk to a girl) and the other is his new plant friend. Soon he discovers the plant likes bugs (and then frogs and dogs and cats but he draws the line at elephants). Eventually the plant wants to try a delicious woman, like in the pictures Henry has hanging in his room.One day Henry's mother breaks into his room thinking to confront him with a woman and all she can find are Henry and the plant. But soon the plant eats her and discovers that woman are really tasty. When detective O'Columbus shows up, the plant discovers she does not like eating men, just women.Eventually the plant experiences urges and Henry finds a male specimen. The male eats men while the female eats women. One woman is willing to end Henry's life of virginity but accidently gets eaten. Henry is broken and tries to kill himself while the plants get passionate with one another. Henry is to clumsy to succeed and changes his mind when he sees all of the little baby plants.Some aspects of this movie are a direct spoof of Roger Corman's Little Shop of Horrors while others seem to have been spoofed by the musical remake.But spoof aside, this is a fun and titillating film. Henry is excellent in his role and has facial expressions to rival the best silent-film star. The main plot is peppered with scenes of couples having sex with some graphic full-frontal shots although no pornography.A funny and titillating film for fans of spoofs, comedies and sexpoitation."
Howard Sauertieg | Harrisburg, PA USA | 07/25/2002
(3 out of 5 stars)
"In 1972, Harry Novak produced this softcore sex comedy, loosely based on Roger Corman's LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS. Novak's version is a far cry from the earlier picture. There's a talking, man-eating plant, and a nebbish who lives with his mom and feeds people to the hungry plant, but otherwise the pictures are quite dissimilar. Corman's film is silly/funny, Novak's is silly/sexy. The main character in PLEASE DON'T EAT MY MOTHER is a voyeur who unwittingly purchases a carnivorous plant; the anti-hero of LSOH is a nerdy horticulturist. Novak uses every opportunity to load his film with softcore sex, and the result is a watchable farce. Unfortunately, the humor falls flat (although Kartalian himself is funny-looking) and, at 97 minutes, the film seems interminable. It isn't half as funny or as clever as LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS. The DVD is put together with great care and affection. The source print for PLEASE DON'T EAT MY MOTHER is incredibly fine, considering its age and the quality of the production. In a section called "Super Sleazy Extras" there are trailers for the film and several other Novak productions, a couple of short features (one called "The Voyeur," designed as a spin-off of the main feature), and a very amusing commentary track with Novak and Mike Vraney of Something Weird Video. Listening to Novak talk about his movies, his philosophy of film making, distribution and promotion, and the various people he's known over the years is a real pleasure. For mindless, "tantillating" (Novak's word) entertainment, look no further than PLEASE DON'T EAT MY MOTHER."
Classic B movie
What242 | California, USA | 11/17/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"If you like any type of cheesy B movies, whether they are cult classics, exploitation films, or grindhouse you should check this movie out. Sure it's stupid, sure it's corny, sure I could probably make a better movie with a black and white camera but it's still great. Mamma's boy Henry Fudd buys a plant from some weird dude and brings it home. Soon just normal food isn't good enough, this female plant (yeah, don't ask) wants to try people. And after she gets her first taste their is no looking back.
Honestly, do you buy movies like this for the story? Usually not, you buy it for the laughs, nudity, and just plain weirdness in which this movie has it in spades. Just dial down your expectations, don't think too much, and enjoy the ride.
Buyer beware, the DVD case is extremely cheap and doesn't even hold the disc in place. So you'll likely get it flopping around inside the case when it arrives. Luckily mine was not damaged and played fine but just be aware of this before placing your order. Also check out other "Something Weird Video" titles (the movie studio), the have a ton of good exploitation/grindhouse movies that really bring you back"
Little Shop of Horrors sex comedy
CraigalsCosmosis | Chicago,IL USA | 11/03/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Fun sleaze with meat eating plants named Adam and Eve that are fed by Henry Fudd(Buck Kartalian)who lives with his mother and is a dorky loser. Real life pervert(Hahahaaahaaa!!!)off camera Buck Kartalian probally would creep out most women.He's also pretty goofy looking too with his silly facial expressions.The plants look like the one in"Little Shop of Horrors"and are very cheaply constructed.They eat the flesh and blood of human bodies,because they taste soooo much better then anything else,especially when still breathing.The nudity is abundent and there are some spread eagle shots of hairy 70's bush and pimply butts(Yack!!!!!). I bought this for 4.99 and that goes for about 2 dollars for every half hour of giggles.Watch with some green and beer.It's really funny in a weird way."