You can't help but learn to play the mandolin in true bluegrass style with Butch Baldassari as your teacher! His easy-going teaching manner and clear, slowed-down examples and explanations continue in the second of two eas... more »y beginner's lessons. This one features a lot of play-along sessions: Before you know it, you'll be playing melodies while Butch "chops" the rhythm chords and then he trades places while you play the rhythm parts. Butch demonstrates several chord positions up and down the neck and teaches many helpful soloing technqiues to give you the real country-bluegrass flavor. You'll learn slides; hammer-ons; open chord positions; open-string harmonies; how to increase your playing speed; tremolo technique; licks and tricks, some in Bill Monroe style; how to play double-stops in G and D; and playing in the key of D. Songs: Bury Me Beneath The Willow, Soldier's Joy, Whiskey Before Breakfast.« less