Simple but helpful
Jerry_NC | North Carolina | 02/26/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This is a good training video, I recommend it for kids and parents. The pitching mechanics section is good, but he skips a couple key items(i.e. both the position of the stride foot, and tucking the elbow on the glove hand, during delivery). However, it gives simple straight forward instructions that are easy to follow. I liked the section on types of pitches and grips, very good. I also appreciated the message that Little Leaguers should not throw curve balls. To paraphrase he states, "kids are going to try to throw curve balls anyway, so lets not put our heads in the sand and pretend it doesn't exist, lets show them how to do it properly so they don't hurt their arms." I agree. He strictly talks about the overhand curve, he doesn't teach a slider for good reason. Kids shouldn't try to throw it at all.
The tips from the pros were a little lame, but they're pros and I'm not.
A great book to go with this is "The Little League Guide to Correcting the 25 Most Common Mistakes" by John Montelelone."