John C. Hyde | Seattle, WA United States | 10/21/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is not the Complete Plastic Man Collection, it's only the complete Plastic Man Comedy/Adventure Show. This is the series that had Plas teamed up with Hula-Hula, not Baby Plas. So calling this "The Complete Collection" is misleading. It's like when Shout! released "Captain N: The Game Master - The Complete Series" when they still had a third of the series to go. Many of the episodes even use the Plastic Man-Baby Plas Super Comedy Show opening. I found that annoying, since Baby Plas never appears in any of the episodes in this set. They should have used the original Comedy/Adventure Show opening for the appropriate episodes. Otherwise, why not just release an actual "Complete" set?
Having said all of that, this is a terrific show! The Comedy/Adventure Show was far superior to the versions with Baby Plas and Plastic Family. Our man Eel O'Brian is the perfect comedic superhero. Hula-Hula was a great sidekick, and Penny and the Chief were solid supporting characters/love interests. Every episode had Plas battling a different supervillain. Evil jerks like Dr. Dome, Dr. Dinosaur, The Weed, Half-Ape, and Ghostfinger were not classic DC villains, but they were great in this funny series.
This is not the weak cartoon other reviewers have made it out to be. This version of the show is more along the lines of a Scooby-Doo, with mysteries to solve and bad guys to beat. The Baby Plas stuff, I will agree, is fairly lame. But this series is GOOD. The combination of early 80s Ruby-Spears production and DC Comics can't be beat if you are into that sort of thing.
The animation is what you would expect, with the constant Superfriends-style transitions. The voice acting is standard for the era, which means it's awesome. Michael Bell, especially, does a fabulous job as the man of the hour, Patrick "Eel" O'Brian, AKA Plastic Man. He's great as the dashing, hilarious, likeable superhero.
I liked the simple packaging for this set, 4 single sided discs, nice sturdy clear plastic case, and retro art.
Plastic Man has always been one of "those" cartoons for me. One of those that I have been pining to add to my collection since I started collecting television on DVD. So there was never a question of buying this, the only concern is that the episodes would be really bad. But they're not, they rock. If you are into the late 70s/early 80s era of Saturday morning cartoons, (and why wouldn't you be) buy this so we can get an eventual Plastic Family set."
Why So Bitter, People?
Hanna-Barberian | Los Angeles, CA United States | 10/20/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Dang! Why are some of these reviews so damned bitter? We are talking about a cartoon, right? A cartoon that entertained millions of viewers every week on ABC? We're not talking about someone that just bombed an abortion clinic are we?
First, to correct some of the information, this series was produced by Ruby-Spears Enterprises, not Hanna-Barbera. If the back of the box states Hanna-Barbera, it's simply because the Ruby-Spears library of programming was absorbed into TimeWarner and for legalities, it's under the Hanna-Barbera umbrella.
I remember watching this cartoon, and while I never thought it was up to the superior standards of an HB product, it did have its moments and is worth purchasing if for no other reason, than to relive your childhood memories. People just love to trash Hanna-Barbera, and Ruby-Spears but I dare any of you to compare their product with anything that Filmation or DIC put out.
My only complaint about this set, is that it isolates the "Plasticman" segments and does not include the other cartoons that were a part of "The Plasticman Comedy Adventure Hour": "Rickety Rockey," "Mightyman and Yukk" and "Fangface." I would have loved to see the entire block included. As it stands now, it probably won't happen. Oh well, that's why God invented Boomerang."
Classic nostalgia
robby17_e | 08/06/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"There aren't too many cartoons I'd commit to buying a whole season of, but Plastic Man is the exception! If you were a child of the 70s or 80s then you'll hopefully remember this. Nostalgia at it's best! There's Plastic Man with his wit, Hula-Hula with his distinct voice, Penny, the no-nonsense Chief and a whole host of villains. Can't wait to relive my youth - I've been waiting for this cartoon for ages!"
Classic 70's cartoon on DVD now!
John Lindsey | Socorro, New Mexico USA. | 11/14/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
Plastic-Man began as a comic in 1941 that told the story of a crook named Eel O'Brien who was gunned down in a chemical factory as he fell into chemicals with that stuff seeping into his wounds and skin. The chemicals alter his body chemistry, DNA and Bone structurs making him flexable, stretchable, bendable and that kind of thing as it makes him a Genie-like person who can shape his shape, body and makes him into a superhero known as Plastic-Man as he fights many evil-doers and save the world.
The comic was an instant success as it blended Mad Magazine type of wacky humor with superheroism, later on in the 60's Plastic-Man was aquired by DC comics and would soon be part of the Justice League as of today. In 1979 Ruby-Spears (Makers of the 80's Alvin and the Chipmunks cartoon) would make a successful saturday morning cartoon on NBC that was one of their highest rated shows and became a cult fave. The show featured the voices of Michael Bell, Melody Britt, Hal Smith, Frank Welker, Janet Waldo, Peter Cullen, Alan Oppenheimer and many other well known voice actors including Key Luke. The show became "The Plastic-Man Comedy Adventure Show" which had a few original characters to help him like sexy Penny, bad luck ridden comical character Hula and gorgeous boss known as The Chief and some original villains with a few DC ones.
First up "The Weed" which is the first episode has the title villain unleashes a giantic plant creature into a South American city as only Plas and friends can stop it, next "Dr. Irwin and Mr. Meteor" is a Jekyll and Hyde esque story of a geeky scientist who asborbs the power of a meteor fragment to become a metallic giant fiend who wants more power to take down those that humilated him. "Wham Bam, Beware of the Clam" has a diabolical evil Clam who wants to flood the world, next up is "The Day The Oceans Disappear" where a diabolical madman bottles up the oceans of the world until Plastic-Man will foil his plans. "The Horrible Half-Ape" is about a scientist who conducts an experiment on himself turning him into a Two-face style villain who is literally part ape, next "Hugefoot" has the title villain who intends on stealing a machine that can predict things. "The Miniscule 7" is about 7 tiny crooks who want to ruin a basketball tornument, "Moonraider" has an evil alien criminal who lives on the moon as he sets up a diabolical scheme for Plastic-Man. "Superstein" is about a super Frankenstein who plots on stealing the minds of people to create an army of Frankensteins, next "Dog Master" is about a diabolical anthropomorphic dog man named Dog Master who uses a monkey from a lab to do his dirty work.
"The Diabolical Dr. Dome" is about a dome-headed bad guy who wants Plastic-Man to be blamed for bad things that he didn't commit, next "Honey Bee" is about a lovely villainess who wants to control the insects of the world. "The Dangerous Dr. Dinosaur" is about a half-lizard half-man creature who uses dinosaurs to do his bidding as Plas with Penny and Hula must save the day, "The Spider Takes A Bride" has a villain nickname The Spider as wants a queen to be his bride unless our stretchy hero can stop the wedding. "The Empire of Evil" has a brother who's sister is possessed by an ancient queen named Shenana and wants to rise of the empire of evil again, "The Diabolical Carrotman" has a former game-show constestant who loses in a game as he seeks revenge on those made him lost the game and becomes a villain. "The Maniacal Computerhead" is about a cyborg who wants all the machines of the world to do his bidding and even turn the human race into robots like him and "Hippotist" tells the tale of an anthropomorphic hippo who hypnotizes people and make them do bad things. "Baladdin" is about an evil genie who wants several teenagers to make wishes and make them into gold, "Toyman" has one of Superman's enemies battling our flexable shapeshifting hero. "Ghostfinger" is about a ghostly entity who wants all the spirits of the world to take over and to be immortal, "Highbrow" deals with a crook who takes a train hostile.
"The Kitty Katt Caper" has a slinky feline villain chick like Catwoman who has the power to become a cat and turn people into felines including our hero. "The Colossal Crime of Commandore Peril" is about a vicious sea captain who hatches an evil idea that could cook people's goose, "Terrible 5+1" is about a robotic genius named Solex who gathers The Weed, Disco Mummy, Half-Ape, The Clam and Computerhead to make a team for himself to get rid of Plastic-Man. "Joggernaut" is about an atletic criminal, next "Dr. Duplicator Strikes Again" has the title villain who wants to make clones out of a governor, "Thunderman" is about a weather-making villain who wants to make terrible weather for everyone. "Count Graffitti Meets Plastic-Man" has a midget villain with unique living graffiti as he wants the secrets to a special hidden vault, "Sale of the Century" has a car dealer who foolishly sells the Earth to aliens. "Plastic-Mummy meets Disco Mummy" has a sexy villainess mummy who has a crush on Plastic-Man and makes him into a mummy to be her lover not unless Penny with Hula can save him. "City of Ice" is about an Alaskan woman who finds an old city with a magical youth gas that makes her young again and she becomes like a queen to a lost tribe as she wants to conquer the world by making everyone old. "Plastic-Man meets Plastic-Ape" has Dr. Astro who makes a giant experimental gorilla with powers like Plastic-Man to do his bidding, next "The Crime Costume Caper" has a female villainess with an awesome costume as she wants to rid the world of Plastic-Man and finally "The Royale Gargoyle Foil" has a Gargoyle who wants to use an invsible ray for an experiment.
All episodes are nicely remastered with good picture and decent sound with only two extras like a featurette on the history of the character and a never befroe aired pilot episode for a new Plastic-Man show that never aired on TV."
Typical of its era only to a point. Title character and "abi
Ben Ochoa | CHICAGOLAND, IL | 12/01/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I've waited forever for this to hit DVD. A h. school grad of 79, my first 2 years were loaded w/ Partying Friday nites, followed by coffee drenched hungover Saturday mornings watching cartoons till I reawoke. No Saturday morning was complete w/o "Looney Tunes/Bugs Bunny" and "Plasticman." You couldn't have 2 more contrasting cartoons, their humor and approach are completely different, but got gut busting laughs from me just the same. For me, it was a show canceled long before it could pick up steam, and a following. But, this DVD is not complete w/o the Adventures of Baby Plas. As much as I've waited for this to hit DVD, I won't buy until those segments are included. To exclude them is a travesty. While Hanna Barbara comparisons aren't totally inaccurate, the spin on this cartoon's super hero routine is more a tongue in cheek wink at the serious super hero cartoons that preceded it, HB's last quality output."