I will be an impartial judge on this one.
Legacyman77 | 09/22/2005
(3 out of 5 stars)
"It seems to me that people who reviewed this title either loved it or hated it. I myself think somewhere in the middle. The artwork in Plastic Little is very good, and in a way it is kind of funny. One fine example of this is when Captain Tita, and Elysse, are sitting together, after having seen a beautiful sunset, and just as they're talking about Elysse's code a spaceship comes out of nowhere and blasts out the window next to them. Yet another fine example is that the pilot, Nichol, kind of likes Tita, but he himself is very femminine, right down to his name.
Many people have said that there wasn't enough character development. I agree with them in some ways, but in others I completely disagree. I agree with them because there really wasn't too much character development. That's the thing though is that there doesn't need to be more than there already is. You get to know that Tita is kind of lazy, and that Nichol is kind of in love with Tita, and that's enough. Had this been made into a series though I am sure that there would have been much more development of the characters. As it is though the entire story is only 50 minutes long, so you can't very well fit too much in.
Many people again say that the plot wasn't good, or long enough, but I again agree and disagree. I agree because it truly wasn't that long, but again for the purposes of this type of anime, the plot doesn't need any lengthening, or shortening. I am sure again that had this been made into a full fledged series Elysse wouldn't be the only person Tita would run into, and I am also sure that there would be plenty of villans in the story as well.
Now for the most infamous bit; the nudity. I personally didn't see anything wrong with it. In the bath scene the two girls were just doing anything that they would normally do in a bath or shower. Of course this title was targeted at male viewers, but again it was just a scene with two girls in a bath, they weren't touching each other at all, except once when they were going down a water slide together. And again you have to realize that they were both women, and they didn't care what they looked like naked. Even when they had their tops off in the hospital ward, those times were only because of gunshot wounds, and the doctor was a woman.
All in all I liked Plastic Little, even though there were some bits and pieces in there that I didn't like. It was a little short, but there's nothing I can do about it now, so if you want to buy it go ahead!"
A Voice Actor Weighs In
Tristan MacAvery | Rochester, NY USA | 09/22/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"(Discussions of plot, fan-service, etc., are much better covered in other reviews. This review is exclusively to mention some behind-the-scenes information about the dubbing of this feature, from one of the voice actors in the show.)
I provided the English-dubbed voice for the engineer, Mikhail. Or was he the engineer? It's been so long since I've seen this thing (and I recorded it in 1997 or so), I can't really remember much about it -- which, I suppose, says something of the overall plot.
My use of a Russian accent was planned well; the execution of that accent wasn't planned well at all. I don't recall who decided that it should be that thick. In order for an accent to be believable and natural, it is often best to paint it on thinly rather than trying to go over the top. So my apologies right off the bat for that one -- I didn't do nearly as well as I could have done. My best contribution was to provide some actual Russian, such as "Har' shoa" (very good) and "turok" (stupid, or idiot -- much like the Japanese "baka"). Please note the transliterated spelling of the Russian words is likely to be completely wrong; it's just how it sounds to my ear.
The story overall was given as much seriousness as we could gather for it, perhaps realizing that it really is a "fan service" flick at best. We (the voice actors) gave it a helluva shot, and that's about the best I can say on our behalf. This isn't the same caliber as, say, "Neon Genesis Evangelion" or "Serial Experiments Lain", so it really didn't get the same amount of attention or expertise from any of us. That, I confess, is a failing. The Tao would tell us, "Pay as much attention to the end as to the beginning, and there will be no error.""
What a great little anime
Ronnie Clay | Winnsboro, Louisiana | 09/21/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Tita is the young Captain of a Pet Shop Hunter ship, inheriting the position from her father who died on the ship. On her way to work one morning (late as usual) she runs into a little girl, on the run from some suspicious men. Tita vows to help her with her problems."