Good TV-films, but badly cut
S. Fischer | Germany | 01/25/2009
(2 out of 5 stars)
"'Pirates' is about two brothers who become enemies (a woman plays a role in this, as well as politics and power). As a result, one of them loses the woman he loves, his rank and his inheritance and finally becomes a pirate. He naturally wants revenge for what happened to him, but also finds adventure, friendship and love as a pirate in the Carribean...
The summary is pretty short since I don't want to give away too many details. Expect romance, adventure, beautiful locations and a very attractive male lead in Nicholas Rogers. As for the quality, the film is made for TV so don't expect 'Pirates of the Carribean', but it's well done and doesn't look cheap.
The one thing I don't understand about this DVD is that the US-publisher chose the version that's cut down from 4 TV-movies, each of which is about 90 minutes, to a 222 minute-film version. That means that about 140 minutes of the story are missing. I've seen that version and it's really awful. So much is lost in the process that especially the beginning, which sets up the feud between the brothers and why one of them becomes a pirate, doesn't make a lot of sense anymore. In addition one should know that this is a type of German / Italian co-production in which actors from all over the world work together. They all speak their own language and when the films are dubbed, the original voices of actors speaking that language are kept and the rest is dubbed. So what you get here is not an English original, but a mostly dubbed film. (Most of the actors are German, Italian etc., with the important exception of Australian Nicholas Rogers, of course.) I guess this version may be better than nothing since it's really a good Pirate-film, but if you can get your hands on the uncut 360-minutes version, it's simply a lot better."