The best movie ever
Luis A. Ortega | USA | 03/15/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I really love this movie, I watch it with my kids over and over. It is a great way to share with my kids what Christian life is all about.
I also watched it with my church and they really liked it. I really recomend it."
Great For Kids AND Their Parents
Todd | 05/07/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is a terrific little computer-animation movie based on Pilgrim's Progress. My (now) 4-year old son still enjoys it, and so do I.
I have nothing but admiration for Scott Cawthon who, as far as I can tell, created all the animation and voiced all the male characters by himself. What a labor of love.
There is one part that's a little scary when Christian is doing battle with Apollyon (which, as another reviewer remarked, kind of reminded me of an old video games)...fair warning.
Debbie Hudson | LaBelle, Florida | 05/14/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I have recently gone through the felt board set and lessons by Betty Lukens on the broad path and the narrow path. I great christian building series. I want my kids to be really solid Little Christians. In our lessons I came across the children's book of Pilgrim's Progress and I spent a Sunday reading it to my kids. They LOVED it and I had seen this DVD so I bought it also. I previewed it at home and was very pleasently surprised. My 7 and 8 year old daughters watched it with me and demanded to watch it again as soon as it ended the first time. We really enjoyed it. I gave it a 5 Star rating because all of my children church kids loved it. It took two Sundays to watch the whole movie. When we didn't get to finish it the first Sunday (because parents were arriving to take them home) the kids were begging to finish it and wanted their parents to come back when it was over. I have about 20 kids in Children's Church and they come to me from the nursery at age 3 and the oldest children are in 5th grade. So I have a very wide age group but all of them loved the movie.
Now here is the only part that I was not happy with. I have taught my kids over and over that at the narrow gate only one person can go through at a time. That you can't push, pull, rope whatever anyone else through. And nobody, mom, dad, grandparents, siblings can push, pull etc you through. Each person has to make that decision themselves and go through by themselves. When Christian gets to the gate he does ask Goodwill if he can enter and why he wants to enter. Good so far but then Goodwill opens the gate for Christian and yanks him in. What?!!! I paused the movie and asked my kids what was wrong. Actually I didn't really have to ask because they all knew and were shocked and not happy about it. I explained that I thought maybe Goodwill saw the firey arrows coming so he was trying to hurry Christian up so he could close the gate and they would be protected. I also told them that the movie was wrong and they agreed. We talked about how this could be confusing to kids who hadn't already learned about the two paths. They agreed and we moved on.
I still love the movie and of course my kids to do. In fact I have made them costumes and we are going to act it our together this Sunday. (Coustumes are just made from pillowcases not real professional but my kids don't care they just love to dress up and act it out. Give it a try.)
I love the story of Pilgrims Progress and have from a child. I highly recommend it to all adults and children. I have bought my kids the childrens version book to take home. What a great tool to send home with kids who don't have Christian parents!
I just bought each of them this DVD too. That is how much I think of this movie and I know God will use it in these children's homes! After all His Word will not come back void.
It's like my pastor says "Let's get as many hooks in the water as we can and show people the way to Jesus. Our job is to be a disciple and make disciples.""