Pilates for Dancers is designed for anyone and everyone who would like to attain the often celebrated dancer s body, incredibly strong, limber, and articulated muscles and frame. Pilates for dancer s was born of the idea t... more »hat the dancer s body and physique is beautiful, graceful, and lithe. At the same time, it is an attainable beauty, given the proper exercise routine and discipline. This video has a great, limbering warm up routine, followed by over 20 explicitly broken down, step-by-step, instructions that anyone (yes, even you) can follow. This video progressed in stages so that even absolute beginners will have no problem getting a complete and invigorating workout. Geared towards beginners and those whom are learning their first pilates movements, all the way to intermediates, a lot of time is spent on explanation and proper repetition, so you get the most out of your workout. Multiple angles make sure you don t miss any of the important alignment, or subtle movements, Pilates can get us into. A great video, and a chance for you to experience a dancer s workout! This DVD is part of an every growing dance instructional series by SalsaCrazy and DanceCrazy, all of which is available and searchable on amazon.com.« less
"I've been dancing for fifteen year. Before using this DVD, I considered my self fairly limber and having a great amount of core strength. Using this DVD over the last month, though, I can see marked improvement in both areas--my abs and obliques showing the most pronounced results. It's a great workout and I would encourage all dancers to add the DVD to their workout libraries."
Strength Training for the Sedentary
Sky | Hollywood, Ca | 06/12/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I used to be extremely active when I was younger but slacked off when I started raising my kids so I picked up this DVD, along with a couple of the Salsa DVDs or Salsa Dance Workout, to help get me back into shaper. This is the one that I use most often because I'm really focusing on strengthening my abs and stomach and redefining muscles I once had. Pilates for dancers, as you would probably guess, isn't a fast-paced DVD so I use it mostly in the morning to start my day. Ad though it's called "Pilates For Dancers" it's a really good workout for anyone--you don't have to have rhythm to do the workout ?--and any age. I use the dance DVDs or the Salsa Dance Workout two to three times a week to get in a bit of cardio. I enjoy all of the DVDs and would recommend them to anyone."
Makes For a Stronger Body
SunshineGal | 06/16/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"My abdominals hurt. But I wouldn't have it any other way. In fact, that was one of the main reasons that I bought Pilates for Dancers. Overall I'm in pretty decent shape but I wanted to strengthen my stomach, back and [...] muscles. The workout is a low-intensity way for me to achieve just that. Between the music and the fluid transition between each of the exercises, you'll get a workout that will make you perspire but that won't leave you completely fatigued by the time it's done. I'm certainly getting all that I paid for and more."
A Workout for Any Body
V. Cole | Miami | 05/05/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"First, a confession. I had heard about Pilates before but didn't really know what it was...and I certainly didn't know what to expect when I popped in Salsa Crazy's Pilates for Dancers DVD. With a groggy mind and a body unwilling to cooperate with even the simplest commands, I was hoping that Pilates wasn't some new age code word for aerobics. I knew my body couldn't handle that. As I turned on the DVD, I was greeted by serene music. Had my voice not been so scratchy, I would've sung my thanks aloud.
The DVD starts off, as most, with a nice warm-up. But there was no walking in place or jogging. Nope. This routine starts with stretching and deep breathing-a hint of the relaxing but focused workout to come. After that, I settled in onto the floor for a range of floor exercises. Now, there are 24 different exercises demonstrated on the DVD, each targeting different areas of the body and skill / strength levels so I won't describe them in all detail. I will tell you though that though some of the exercises seem deceivingly simple, they will provide you with a challenging workout-particularly if you breathe and contract muscles as demonstrated and explained by the instructor. Some of the exercises you will learn on Pilates for Dancers include the spine supine twist, knee folds, bridges (beginning as well as intermediate / advanced), leg stretches, swimmers, and side leg lifts.
One of the best tings about this DVD is that the lessons taught are ideal, as I've mentioned earlier, for all fitness, strength and flexibility levels. The first exercises on the DVD are geared towards beginners. In most cases one, simple movement is shown. As the DVD progresses, so do the complexity of the movements and the strength required to execute the exercises properly. Some exercises will require that you recall movements from the beginning exercises and that you do them simultaneously while others will be more difficult ways of performing beginning exercises to challenge and increase your strength.
Pilates for Dancers is not designed to entertain, it is however designed to give you a good workout...and that it does. The gluteals, abdominals and obliques, (collectively called your core) are targeted individually and jointly; the shoulders and back muscle regions are also targeted for toning. Overall, Pilates for Dancers provides a low-impact, full-body work out that's a nice compliment to traditional cardio and weight training workouts."
Good as a Companion DVD or by itself
Dahlia G. | Jacksonville, FL | 06/23/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Pilates for Dancers is a great addition to my current dance / low-impact exercise routine (I use the Learn to Salsa Dance 3-pack by Salsa Crazy). It helps to keep me stretched out. It helps to train the muscles in my legs to withstand hours in heels on the dance floor--because of the leg exercises, yes but mostly because of the core strengthening exercises which helps me to bare the strain standing / dancing in heels can cause. It's also helped me with my overall posture; being more aware of how I sit, stand and move."