Robert Pickman has become obsessed by visions of unworldly horror, revealed to him through an ancient artifact discovered in an abandoned church. His doctor and friend, Ambrose Dexter, is soon drawn into the mysteries surr... more »ounding Pickman's newfound obsession, and struggles to combat forces determined to drag Pickman down the inevitable road to madness. Inspired by H.P. Lovecraft's, HAUNTER OF THE DARK Winner of the 2009 H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival for Best Adaptation.
Winner of the 2009 Chicago Horror Film Festival for Best Screenplay.
Winner of the 2009 Chicago Horror Film Festival for Best Actor (Barret Walz).
Winner of the 2010 Illinois International Film Festival for Best Horror Feature. Bonus Features:
* Deleted Scenes
* Behind the Scenes Photo Gallery
* Theatrical Trailer
* Subtitles: Spanish, French, German, and English (for the hearing impaired)« less