Tons of Fun
robert campbell | nice, ca United States | 05/27/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is a great and fun flick. Just a bunch of kids having fun, the plot being over a stolen pinball trophy from a local arcade. There are some good scenes, showing some actual pinball arcade classic machines in backgrounds. The one they played was a Gottlieb playfield, but the backglass was painted over and had a silly clown face that talked. There is a great scene where a snooty wife of the mayor, is standing in front of the arcade with a friend that just made fun of a obviously gay hairdresser that was walking by. A vehicle goes by and splashs them both with dirty oily looking stuff that was in the gutter, it was hysterical. Mrs. Mayor storms into the Mayors office, soaked from head to toe and yells at her husband "you have to do something about that Arcade" she was actually quite good. Another one was the arcade had a bunch of cheerleaders in front, doing a yell for the arcade. They were fun to watch, just a bunch of aspiring actresses having a great time. A man dressed in a overcoat stands in front of them, and opens his overcoat, showing him wearing nothing but womens underwear. The girls scream and flee. Mr. Overcoat also appears in another hysterical scene that almost made be bust a gut from laughing (see the film to find out) Great translation to DVD, they even have a trivia game included (of the movie of course) many of the actors in this film, also starred in My Bloody Valentine. The music in the film is catchy "Pinball Summer, I'll take you on, a Pinball Summer won't you come along" sung by a not so sounding band with off centered harmonies. LOL Well worth the price. Enjoy!"