Phil Mickelson, winner of 34 PGA Tour events, teams with Emmy Award-winning producer-director Terry Jastrow for Secrets of the Short Game, a two-disc DVD focusing on all shots played from 50 yards. "The goal here," says Mi... more »ckelson, "is to help golfers build a foundation so that their practice time directly correlates to improved scoring on the golf course." The DVD set includes sections on putting, chipping, sand shots, and the flop shot Mickelson popularized soon after he joined the PGA Tour in 1992. Two discs focusing on the short game of golf: Features interactive menus and scene selection. Running Time: 105 minutes.« less
"While I enjoyed the video and the production quality was excellent, I have tried the "method" and it fails the "amateur test". Obviously Phil can do what he is demonstrating but I think he should have tried these ideas on real average golfers first to see if they could learn them. I am an average 14 handicaper with a decent short game already but I can't copy his results after hours of trying. I even think I know why: his hinge and hold has a fatal flaw. If you hinge and come steeply down to the ball you have to be pretty accurate to catch the ball consistently well. There is just too little room for error and average golfers don't typically hit thousands of balls a week to perfect these moves. Everything else about the chip technique is fine and it is fun to hit his flop shots but I don't trust it to use during play. The bunker technique is supposed to be rhythmical but you have to hinge up close to your body and then swing outwards towards the pin at about 40 degrees while maintaining a firm wrist and extension. Sound easy? Now do that so consistenly that you land within the 3 foot circle. Nope - still in the sand. Now that I have tried his method I think he is a little hypocritical in saying his is the only correct method. Perhaps for pros, but not for Joes. Stick with Pelz' more forgiving technique with a shallower approach. The putting has the same problem. He promotes a rotating clubhead that is timed just right and takes a lot of feel. Again, stick with his teacher, Pelz, and use a straight putt move. Kind of mechanical but hard to screw up. I was really hoping this would be good, especially with Pelz in the background. I suppose we will now have Tiger telling us how to get 120 mph swing speeds "the easy way"!"
Phil Making it Easy for us All!
Martin J. Fincham | Riverside, CA United States | 04/08/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"So I have just finished watching Phil's first video and he just makes the short game shorts all make sense. Of all the golf DVD's I have watched this one makes the most sense. Now as a disclaimer I am a PM fan, but I also love to play the short game shorts well when I am out playing. Phil has found a method that just simplifies everything in regards to the short game. His ideas for putting are very simple and as for his thoughts and teachings in chipping both short and long chips he teaches a method that works the same for both types of shot. There is nothing complicated about his methods and with practice we can use his methods to have more fun with our own short game. I highly recommend this video."
Buy it now..
D. Hall | North Carolina | 04/21/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is the best golf instruction dvd I have ever seen. Both of them that is, since it is a 2 part dvd set. Phil is not holding much back. This is not a puff video like so many other pros have put out. He is not holding back. Tells great info on putting, chipping, sand, and the lob shot he is so well known for. Some things were shared in these videos I have never seen before and I have studied the game for nearly 2o years and bought many dvds and even more books. Great job on the production of these dvds. Very professional quality."
Wonderful for anyone wanting to improve 50 yards and in...
Kathryn Sossen | nantucket, MA | 04/18/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Just go ahead and buy it. Its great. Best golf instructional dvds I have seen (by far). Lots of info on putting/chipping on disc one. Disc two is lob shots and bunker play. Very detailed in all sections. High quality production with great slow motion shots of different shots (club going through ball). Great video for anyone wanting to improve their short game."
Easy to apply the lessons
Ravanelli | 04/13/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is a great DVD. It's not filled with detail about grip and mechanics, its more about the approach to the short game, a couple of guiding principals and some drills. If you take note of the key elements and make an effort to try them out and practice them, your short game will improve.
Watching Phil explain it the way he does is much better than reading articles in golf publications trying to provide 30 seconds worth of tips."