Ancient Aliens
L. Ferraro | Australia | 05/01/2003
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Hosted by Dean Stockwell, two episodes of the lost archives are covered on this dvd. Genesis Revisited is the first episode that asks the questions, where did we come from, were we planted on this planet by a ancient aliens. This and more are discussed in this unbelievable episode. Archeologist Zecharia Sitchin uncovers evidence from texts, ancient tablets that we are visited every 3,600 years by ancient aliens he calls the Anunnaki from the Planet X which belongs to our solar system that has a 3600 year orbit of the sun. Today, there is still no sign of this tenth planet but experts say that maybe this planet could possibly exist. The Anunnaki passed there knowledge of the universe and our solar system down to the Sumerians who were the oldest known civilization on this earth. There is also the story regarding the Russians satellite Phobos 2 which on its mission to the Mars moon mysteriously disappeared and the second last shot taken by this satellite shows a unexpected photo of a mysterious craft that Russians experts think that this is why the satellite disappeared, fascinating stuff. This episode alone is worth the purchase of this dvd, even if you think the theories are out of this world.Irretrievably Lost: The Search For The Savannah Bomb is the second episode which brought me back to Earth is about the atomic bombs lost by the Americans over a 50 year period. Experts predict some of these nuclear bombs are still a danger to us and the environment if they aren't recovered. Running time for both episodes is 46 minutes. The transfer is very good, audio is Dolby 2.0. The menu is static with audio, there are no extras. Year of production 1999. Transfer 4/5, audio 4/5, extras 0/5."
Surprisingly Professional and Expertly Produced!!!!!
Arty Abrams | Summerton, SC United States | 07/06/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I have all of the Phenomenon DVD's and they are exceptional.
Lavishly produced, very HIGH Quality and extremely intriguing.
Dean Stockwell---a very underated and under appreciated actor brings his star quality talent in at just the right pitch as the Host of the series.
By the way, Check out Hepburn and Stockwell in the timeless film adaptation of Eugene O'Neil's "Long Days Journey Into Night" for proof of that statement! One of the great forgotten films!!!!!!
Unfortunately...I cannot remember the name of the man who narrarates the Phenomenon series, but his voice was a stroke of casting genius.
What the inimitable Alexander Scourby did for the Bible...this man...whoever he is...does for this series...
So check out this series if you want to see a surprisingly Professional and Expertly produced Investigative-Documentary Series that covers many subjects of Mystery in a manner that does not de-legitimize the subject itself with a lot of Hooey!
Example....the Noah's Ark segment is possibly one of the most groundbreaking and stunning documentaries that I have ever seen on the subject of Noah's Ark research!
Yep...for those of us who enjoyed "In Search Of..." with Leonard Nimoy back in the 70's and have come to detest all of the conveyor belt shaky camera crap documentaries that Discovery and A&E are putting out these days full of fluff and way to many commercials, then this is a top notch series to get your hands on.
Documentary series just don't come along this good very often.
I wish the legendary Graham Hancock could get together with the folks who made this series and.....oh man would that be a buzz or what!!!!!!!!!!
I would be willing to purchase a documentary just of them talking about the idea of making such a documentary of his ideas and theories with this quality of production....!!
Anyway...this is Quality and Intrigue at a great price!!!"
Too bad they didn't do more episodes
Daffydd | Ontario, Canada | 08/29/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I had heard a few radio interviews with Zecariah Sitchin and thought his theories fascinating; I am not totally convinced, but it does seem possible. The Anunaki from the planet Niburu landing on earth 6000 years ago, bioengineering our descendants to labour for them. Sadly they couldn't be back in our lifetime. Or maybe a good thing they won't be back.
Ancient astrological knowledge is not recognized by modern science. Thier apparent knowledge of the planetary bodies of our solar system, some only discovered with telescopes in the modern age, including a planet we as yet have to discover, seems incredible. Did they just guess? Did they have some level of technology that was eventually lost? Or, were they educated by travellers from within our very own system, from a planet with a incredibly long orbit around our sun. How could they survive even thrive on a planet that would travel so far from our sun to make it a pinprick of light?
IMHO there is a lot of history that isn't explained by our current account of history. Anything that doesn't seem to fit the current regime is basically scorned and/or utterly ignored. There's science for ya. This is an interesting possiblity."