Phase IV
sarahk_3 | Australia | 03/09/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Interesting story for the premise of this film.
A Large Multinational Drug Company has found a cure for AIDS.
But instead of making the AIDS drug cure available to the general public, the Large Drug Company decide to wipe out any trace that this AIDS drug cure exists.
Only problem is, that the Large Drug Company (LDC), has already started human trials of the AIDS drug that cures and the people who were successfully cured by this trial drug, now become targets for the LDC to wipe out.
LDC doesn't want any member of the public to know of their discovery, what they want to happen is that they want to make Billions of Dollars by marketing and selling an AIDS drug that simply treats the symptoms of AIDS.
The only facet of this story that I found a little unbelievable was the fact the Dean's character was an ex-navy seal and it was interesting to watch Dean Cain playing a journalist (again) in this film. :). So if you can suspend your disbelief about the "ex navy seal", it is an easy and entertaining/clever little movie to watch.
I would recommend this film to any Dean Cain fan.
take care, sarahk_4005"
Bosworth as a 'bad-guy'
La Mar R. Binder | Emmaus, Pennsylvania | 12/19/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"A good watch, and Brian Bosworth as a 'bad guy'. Dean Cain is excellent in a movie with a better plot than expected. I truely enjoyed this movie,
and Bosworth does a good job with his character. But the movie is Dean Cain's. A definte buy, and one you can watch over and over."
Could have been better.
Susan T. O'keefe | Beaverton, OR | 01/09/2007
(2 out of 5 stars)
"The best acting job in the whole movie, was Dean Cain himself. The telling of his back story could have been more detailed. It tended to be a bit disjointed in some areas. The action was pretty good though."