"A truly touching film about 6 friends (not exactly Friends), this independant from 1992 film won my heart. With a brilliant opening scene, and the credits traveling from the last time they were all together in 1982 (with political break throughs and famous people littering the screne set to the great Tears for Fears tune "Everybody Wants to Rule the World") and a brilliant story line, Peter's Friends is once of the best independant films out there. Directed and acted by the great British Kenneth Branaugh with Emma Thompson, Hugh Laurie, Stephen Fry as Peter, and Imelda Staunton, it's no wonder this is such a terrific flick.Set on New Year's Eve, 1992, each person comes to Peter's estate for one last new years in his house, since Peter's father died. It has been 10 years since they had all been together, performing a small cabaret show to anyone who would actually want them there to perform. Now, all the friends have been married, movied away, or in destructive (or no) relationships. During the course of the weekend, they all rediscover one another as well as discover who they are. With an pwerful script, setting, and cast of characters, Peter's Friends is one of the best. I completely recommend you see it and enjoy yourselves. It's brilliant, so have fun!!!"
An honest, touching movie about friendship, and being human
Earl Hazell | New York | 08/16/2000
(4 out of 5 stars)
"How often do you see a movie in which women are acknowledging how their egos, denied feelings, self-destructive behaviors and deep lonliness are making them obliterate their relationships before the men in their lives ever have a chance to? And how often do you see that without the kind of heavy handed comedy that is usually designed as a secret apology for doing anything but infantilizing women via romance and triumph over victimization?That alone makes the movie worth seeing. The men and women in this film are going through a lot of stuff, not the least of which wishing they could go back to the time when life seemed to make sense- when they were all together and much closer as friends. But they can only move forward: they can only accept the degree to which they are products of their environment, and how that degree is much smaller than what they would like to believe- in fact, to what degree they constructed their environments through their choices in life. One couple, married, still grieving the death of a child, must face the anger at each other and themselves- and God- before it destroys their marriage like a cancer; and the husband leads the way. One woman must face how she manipulates men into severing their relationships with other women for her, only to blow them off dazed and brokenhearted when there is nothing left to stand in the way of her committing herself to them, including their old lives. Another must come to terms with his sexuality enough to share it with his friends, one of which has fallen in love with him, for all the wrong reasons. The comedy in this film is there by necessity I think moreso than artifice or decoration; if you don't laugh at times at how confusing and hard life can be you can't live it. It balances out the transformation each character must go through in order to get on with their lives, and be true to the friendships they have reestablished that they owe so much joy and revalation to. The acting in this movie is wonderful, and through it all, there are some pretty funny scenes. The movie as a whole though can have the effect of having your soul scrubbed with a scouring pad if you see yourself or any life experience reflected in the characters. And if you think you can relate to anyone of them, or think you know someone who is like one of them, you probably will. A very special movie. Don't rent it for a group of friends, unless you're prepared to go through a similiar roller coaster- and then be closer to them all then you ever have been before."
Best movie I've seen in years.
Haley Anne | 07/31/1999
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I was totally appalled to read some of the negative reviews of this marvellous movie. I hate to say this, but it helps to be British to understand and appreciate the clever, quick humour, and to be able to relate to this group of college chums -- all of whom, I might add, were perfectly cast in their roles. You could go to any stately home in Britain today and find an identical assortment of friends behaving in exactly the same way. As we are fond of saying in England, it was "spot on" -- wonderfully funny,poignant,yet excrutiatingly sad at the end. Oh, and the background music was terrific!"
Absolutely marvelous story, w/t a single flaw...
zara_azari | 05/11/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I can't imagine how this film could ever get bad reviews... May be some people/critics were offended by the character of a neurotic Hollywood actress...well, this portrayal is all-true, whether we like it or not. "Peter's Friends" is a heartwarming story of six or seven college friends, brought together by one of them, after ten years of little or no contact. The casting is absolutely perfect. These guys really feel like friends (well, Stephen Fry & Huge Laurie are; Kenneth Branaugh & Emma Thompson, I think, used to be married?). Although this film is very sentimental and talks about many of life's saddest things (e.g. loosing a child, loosing a parent, divorse, etc.), it manages to be exremely funny and witty (British trademark, after all) Sometimes, I was not sure if I was crying or laughing; may be, I was doing both at the same time... You will not believe how funny Emma Thopson and how hearbreaking Kenneth Branaugh and Huge Laurie are in this film! In my opinion, if you watch this film, you can become a bit of a better person. I, certainly, re-thought some of my relationships after watching it..."
Peters Friends: You owe it to yourself to buy this!!!!!
Max P. Henry | SoCal | 12/29/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is quite simply, one of the best films I've EVER seen. First saw it years ago on VHS, and was blown away. Have been searching for it on DVD for so many years, I'd really given up hope it would ever be available. The acting is superb! The chemistry between the cast is dynamic. The music is a potpourri of 1980's classics. And a great story. When I managed for Hollywood Video, this was a film I recommended everyone see, and I will say, without exaggerration, that everyone who watched it liked it. And a LOT of people watched it. Those who were skeptical, walked out with a free rental. And loved it! Needless to say, my store probably lost money on Peter's Friends, but it was all worth it. To spread this film to the public was my mission, and I served it well. Kenneth Branagh created a true masterwork, and for fans of "House", Hugh Laurie is great. Stephen Fry, Emma Thompson, all are great. I am not exaggerating when I say, you'll love it!"