Seeger's iconic banjo, guitar, and mellifluous voice are a t
Midwest Book Review | Oregon, WI USA | 04/14/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Pete Seeger: Live in Australia 1963 is a black-and-white DVD capturing the 1963 Melbourne concert of folk musician Pete Seeger, who at the time was blacklisted and barred from American television. In Australia he was widely beloved and gave sold-out performances. Nearly an hour of bonus footage taken from Seeger's other Australian television appearances rounds out this must-have DVD for folk lovers. Additional bonuses include a 16-page booklet with liner notes by Seeger biographer David K. Dunaway, rare photographs, and interviews Seeger gave on Australian news programs. Seeger's iconic banjo, guitar, and mellifluous voice are a treasure to listen to, in this enthusiastically recommended DVD. 105 minutes."
Harold Wolf | Wells, IN United States | 05/15/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"OK, black & white, but that actually seems to add to the nostalgic aspect of this great look at folk music as presented by Pete Seeger in 1963. He went on a 22 country, 10-month world tour blessing the world with folk music and, himself, picking up some new folk music from other countries along the way. Seeger received a Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award (1993), and this DVD shows why. It's still hard to believe the folk singer was blacklisted in the USA.
Fortunately, Australia loved his music and overlooked his politics, giving him a warm welcome and preserved it on film. Then, after a long shelf rest, it was discovered, Acorn became involved in the restoration, and the rest of the story is in the 16 page booklet that comes with the DVD. Packed full of photos, history, and the DVD contents lists.
The product description lists many of the songs included in this DVD live performance, but special note should be given to a pair of special banjo renderings of the songs "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring" and "Allegretto from Beethoven's 7th Symphony." Wow. And Seeger even teaches the Aussie concert attenders to yodel to "Way Out There" a song done with banjo that was taken from "Sons of the Pioneers."
Another favorite of mine was "I Never Will Marry" plus one actually written by Bob Dylan but performed by Seeger, "A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall." Then you'll just have to sing along with "Michael, row The Boat Ashore" and "If I Had A Hammer" (Pete's song) and others.
The concert has a total of 29 musical numbers, ending with "I Know an Old lady Who Swallowed A Fly", fun for any age. There is at least 15 musical presentations as well as some interviews on the Extra Bonus Stuff. There is filmed performances of Lead Belly from 1945, the man who taught Pete Seeger to play the 12 string guitar. Seeger sings some of his songs as well.
This DVD is 160 total minutes of looking back at folk music of the Hootenanny (the word was coined by Seeger) years as well as an educational but enjoyable romp through the history of American Folk Music and some of its origin. Perhaps this DVD would be usable by music teachers. The extras include a method to single out just one song for replay. How easy is that?
Thanks Australian Broadcasting Corporation for helping give Pete Seeger folk music back the United States."
Still good after all these years
Susan Reade | Pismo Beach, CA | 08/05/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"In spite of being a bit grainy black and white, the flavor and charm of Pete still comes through. thank goodness someone had the foresight to tape it - probably one of the first ever concert videos! Just pure fun to watch - sure takes you back a few years (ok, more than a few). Any Seeger or Weavers fans will be happy."
Pete Seeger Live in Australia 1963
Gunnar Weichbrodt | Sweden | 05/22/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is a fantastic DVD. Pete Seeger has always suprised me with his
musical talent and this 1963 consert he has outdone himself. Bravo!!!!"