Russ Meyer would be proud! Salacious porn princess and ex-gubernatorial candidate Mary Carey heads a cast of scantily-clad, buxom vixens whose tops are popping amidst a devious serial killer wreaking havoc by splattering b... more »uckets of gore. Perpetually horny James (Sean Andrews) is spending the summer with his bible-preaching, whore-loving father when gruesome deaths, objectifying sculptures and a sexy lesbian nurse disrupt his visit. This instant cult classic salutes sexploitation comedies with female flesh, a bloody hex, and above all, sex!« less
Boss Fan | Take a Right at the Light, Keep Going Straight Unt | 03/29/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Roger Corman and Russ Meyer would be soooo proud!
And maybe even somewhat envious.
"Pervert!" sort of perfects, all by itself, an entire genre of niche films from the 60s and 70s that were giddy, over-the-top romps of bad filmmaking, bad writing, bad acting, and - of course - bad taste. Ridiculous amounts of gratuitous nudity, sex, violence and offensive humor ensue.
And for this film's target audience, who would want it any other way?
The reason I say this film almost perfects such low-grade, high-exploitation awfulness (read: greatness) is because I have seen a lot of movies that have attempted to do this, pretended to be this, but ultimately fail and up being something closer an 80s teen sex comedy along the lines of "Revenge of the Nerds" or one of those low budget "Friday the 13th" teen slasher movie spoofs.
Those films weren't all bad of course, but this one gets the spoofing of an entire era of like-films right. And fearlessly doesn't hold back a thing. The prudish need not apply.
"Pervert!" is a 2006 film shot like it was made in the 70s, trying to look like it takes place in the 50s or 60s. It is reminiscent of the beach blanket bimbo flicks from those decades, the grungy low-budget horror flicks of the 70s and the teen sexcapade flicks of the 80s.
Emphasis on the latter. For the first three quarters of the film, I would wager there is not more than a span of three minutes where a naked female body part does not grace the screen (and by grace I mean front and center, gratuitous, for no reason whatsoever; like while simply driving a car - don't ask).
The first half hour is essentially a spoof of porn films, with real-life industry starlet Mary Carey, who obnoxiously ran for governor of California a few years back (!), in skimpy outfits (and just as much time spent without them at all), spouting truly bad dialog composed entirely of sexual-suggestivities, and doing all sorts of beyond-suggestive things with corn on the cob and homemade preserves. For all her on-camera, drunken, public obnoxious rants in real life, Carey, though admittedly a bad actress (but hey, in this movie, the worse you are, the better you are) comes off as a rather sweet bimbo type.
Then the plot kicks in; something about a mysterious killer on the loose, which brings more scantily-clad starlets into the fray, basically to get naked and tote shotguns. Juliette Clarke has perhaps the most memorably fearless lone, mock sex scene in any film outside of actual porn. The dialog going into the finale is absurdly hilarious, and the revelation of the killer - and the way he/she (don't ask) is brought to life is not only absurd and completely out of the realm of good taste, but is a salute to all that is so eye-popingly unholy about this type of junk food cinema.
"Pervert!" really pushes things as far as possible. There is more shock value on this DVDs main menu selection screen than in probably any entire movie I have ever seen that slaps "Unrated! Too Extreme For Theatres," or what-have-you across the box.
I revel in that but, obviously, this will not be everyone's cup of tea; and nothing here is appropriate for children - Duh! (Even though it does play to every adolescent male interest in the book.)
Consider yourself fairly warned.
Hollywood A-listers Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez are collaborating on "Grindhouse," a throwback to the exploitation flicks of the 70s that were often shown as double features at drive-ins and seedy cinemas on the wrong side of the tracks (called grindhouses), and made outside of the rules and regulations of Hollywood. These films specialized in over-the-top violence and sexuality in order to bring in an audience they could not otherwise get with their lack of starpower and Hollywood budgets and publicity. RR and QT's film(s) hope to encapsulate the whole grindhouse-going experience by offering two films that are filmed with scratches and grain to look cheap and worn and adding fake trailers for equally over-the-top cult-type horror and action flicks that will separate the two feature films.
"Grindhouse" will no doubt be far sharper and much more skilled in its presentation, but I would wager "Pervert!" is precisely the idea the guys are going for in terms of presenting grindhouse, exploitation, cult films from a bygone era to audiences of today. "Pervert!" focuses more on sex, and absurd humor (it even includes BOING! and SQUISHHHHH sound effects), whereas "Grindhouse" looks to be going more for violent, adrenaline ride stuff.
Both are clever in their ambitions to pay homage to these types of films. The main reason this movie even jumped out at me was because I was looking for some old school grindhouse films to check out before I saw the RR/QT film. Everything right down to the DVD artwork makes this flick look like its straight out of the 70s. But that's just part of its overall commitment to sell the gag that this is an homage to those flicks. They did a good job with the film itself; if I didn't know better, I would be convinced this thing was made in the 70s (save for a few recent references). If you "get it," "Pervert!" is a ton of fun.
And if you are 14 years-old or a drunken college kid (or either at heart), you will most likely consider this to be one of the best movies you have ever seen.
This is one fake cult classic that deserves to become a real one.
Not many films can pull it off...
Don Cheeto | Bakersfield, CA | 04/23/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
" has an old feel for those old Grindhouse films. Plenty of nudity, sex, violence, one liners, and cheese! Only for select audiences. I loved it. Most shocking of all was the'll have to watch to find that one out. Add it to your collection now! Also recommend "Mad Cowgirl" if you like this one."
Want the REAL Grindhouse? This is it!
V. Francis | Sutherlin, OR USA | 04/17/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Wow....where do I even start? the above reviews have pretty much covered all the bases already, so I'll just add that if you're looking for a more accurate "GRINDHOUSE" experience, look no further. This movie is no doubt what Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino were shooting for with their GRINDHOUSE opus magnum. But whereas they both fell short (With Rodriguez's PLANET TERROR being the better of the two) PERVERT! hits the ball right out of the park. Big bare boobs, bouncing butts, and some pretty funny one liners make this a MUST HAVE for any fan of low budget cinema, or anyone who wants a softcore romp in the park. Mary Carey, in her role as Cheryl has NEVER looked better, and here she's joined by equally bouncy supporting players who know how to work their best assets.
Nudity, monsters, and rednecks
ribcage | Lantana, Florida United States | 05/26/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"There is not much more you can say about this movie other than those three words. There's sort of a plot, but not really. Mostly it is just the nudity to the point where it's really just straight degradation and you're almost wishing for a break from it, but no, not really, you love it. Then there's monsters and violence and rednecks which make it more fun because what good is nudity if there's not some insanity to go alongside it.
Who cares about the plot. It's ridiculous and nothing makes sense at all through the whole movie. But it's fun. And funny. And messy. And has nudity. You either love this sort of thing or you hate it, and Pervert's description perfectly prepares you for the adventure the film takes you on."
Mo' Cheese, Mo' Better
Keith Gouveia | Florida | 05/14/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Pervert is a hilarious romp and destined to be a future cult classic with the most original killer in a slasher type flick ever!"