Great bloody lesbo schlock
Dewayne Austin | San Francisco, CA. | 01/16/2008
(3 out of 5 stars)
"If your into low budget, campy, feminist, bloody gore you'll like this film.
It may take a serious effort to get through some of the less entertaining, even dull, scenes and some really bad acting, but there are some really funny even artistic scenes that make it all worth while.
pros &/or cons: excess of fake blood, incredibly bad efx, vaginal humor, some good music, intentionally and unintentionally funny dialogue
Disgusting Movie with a really Big Point
Mystic Kat Daddy | Michigan, USA | 03/09/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The Period is a movie that will totally blow your mind. You will come away disbelieving a movie like this was actually made and you will not be the same person after a viewing. An important point is made about how society judges women based on menstruation; that they are either scorned or worshiped. Striking the point home is a scene at the end when the main character states that women neither want to be objectified in a positive or negative way, only to be seen as people/human beings. It's unfortunate that the director had to be gross to maker a point. It's more a criticism of the main American audiences' intelligence level that it can only understand something complex when it is made using toilet humor. I will admit that I feel the director's goal is to shock and possibly believed that the only way his movie would get attention was to deliver the most disgusting movie ever made."