Society is a smoking dead pig.
Ton | the Netherlands | 02/05/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Many highly original metaphors for the depraved state of our society has come to decorate this film, which is probably the best portrayal of the loneliness that our so called civilized world drives many unique persons to if they are no longer of any use. The cast is made up of professional actors who seem to be very close to the subject matter in real life, and as is the case with other films of Giusseppe Andrews, the fact that the entire feature is filmed with a small digital camera rather than expensive equipment adds a whole extra dimension of grittiness to the already dread atmosphere.
Andrews is known for his acting in such films as Independence Day, American Histoy X, Cabin Fever and his own Touch me in the Morning, but also makes his own unfortunately rarely seen unique films. Period Piece is not ony directed by him, but he also produced it, wrote it, scripted it, photographed it, acted in it, edited it and composed and recorded the musical score for it. And in the process proved that he is a one-man-filmstudio and deserves nothing but the deepest respect for daring to show a truly original view on the world we live in by delivering us this stunningly personal masterpiece.
The DVD comes with a load of extra's that do this unsettling but beautiful film justice, including a second feature film by Giusseppe Andrews, "Jacuzzi Rooms", which is a daring as the main feature, but totally different in style. The interview Lloyd Kaufman conducts with the director adds more depth and gives more clues to understanding this genius filmmaker. We will definitely hear more of Giusseppe Andrews in the future, and owe the fact that we are introduced to his work to Troma.