The movie version of the bestselling novel, "Dinner With a Perfect Stranger" by David Gregory. Capturing the book's wit, intimacy and desire to enlighten almost line for line, "THE PERFECT STRANGER" is a thought-provoking ... more »tale of one woman's journey through the realms of doubt and disbelief - with the most unforgettable man she would ever meet.« less
Patty W. (PattysPrch1) from SAINT CHARLES, MO Reviewed on 12/4/2009...
I really liked it, but you have to enjoy conversations a lot to enjoy it.
Movie Reviews
Beautiful Movie
J. M. Gonzalez | Vineland N.J. USA | 03/19/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The plot is simple. A lawyer named Nikki played by Pamela Brumley gets a dinner invitation on the night her husband is going to a ball game with his friends. She believes that the invitation is really from her husband who feels bad about leaving her alone on a Friday night, so she accepts. When she arrives at the resteraunt she finds instead someone she has never seen before, a man, well dressed, who claims to be Jesus Christ. At first she thinks it's a joke and wants to leave, but hey, why give up a free meal? She goes along with his story that he is Jesus Christ and proceeds to ask him questions about everything she can think of from various religions to the creation of the universe. What follows is one of the most interesting conversations put on film.
Let me state that I am not a born again Christian, but when I first saw this film I was glued to the TV, it is a film that makes you think. It is a film that is entertaining, it is a film that is as interesting to those of you who are not religious as to those of you who are.
I dispute the running time of the movie as listed here. The film times in at about 1 hour and 8 minutes in length. The closing credits include interviews with the stars of the film and the director and clock in at about 17 minutes. For a film that is a little over an hour the price is not bad. There are extra's on the DVD, behind the scenes ect.
If you are still not sure if you should see this keep in mind that it is a little over an hour long. Chances are you've wasted your time being dissapointed with films clocking in at over 2 hours before. The choice is always yours, if you don't like it- return it. Or better yet, because of the price, give it to a friend. I'm sure you know someone out there who would want to see this.
Want to Dine Out with Jesus?
Gary D. Lynam | Rocklin, CA USA | 03/27/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"My wife and I recently had a dear friend over for dinner. Even though a Catholic she like many have struggled with the concept of Jesus being the only way to God, that the Bible is the authentic Word of God, if God is so loving why is there so much suffering in this world and that just being a "good" person qualifies one for heaven regardless of their belief. To our delight (and relief), we came across "The Perfect Stranger" in our cable guide. Without all of the typical religious voices of Christian broadcasts this movie simply and cleverly answered our friends questions all within a modern, intimate dinner setting with none other than Jesus, business suit and all.
The thematic of the movie is that it's all about relationship and NOT religion. It's about accepting God's gift of grace to you and not trying to earn God's favor, because...well, you just can't. This "My Dinner with Andre" format is both entertaining, challenging and engaging. When the program ended our friend sat in total silence then exclaimed that "This was an incredible movie". Her questions, like many of our own, were answered over the course of dinner. It seemed that somehow we were there having an extrordinary dinner with Jesus as well.
I highly recommend this movie for believers and non belivers alike. It may just make you hungry for more!"
The Perfect Stranger
C. Pine | Fresno, Ca | 03/21/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I was roaming the aisles of our neighborhood video store when I came across this movie. Thinking the actress looked like Catherine Zeta-Jones Douglas, I asked the clerk if he had seen it, he hadn't but I felt compelled to rent it anyway. I am blown away by the sincere, simple, yet effectiveness for the story. I am a Christian, but most Christian-type movies seem sappy, goofy, certainly nothing a non-believer would find interesting, I barely think they are worth the time.But, this movie is different! It is very well thought out, thought provoking in a simple premise, just honest. Bless the cast, and crew for following their hearts. Bless you for watching it and spreading the Word!"
There is no one perfect except God.
Sue Reukauf | Ovid, NY | 08/27/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The Perfect Stranger brings the person of Jesus into a contemporary setting and clearly show what God has in His plan to for all who will come to Him. We found the DVD riveting, the acting convincing and the story compelling."
I Couldn't Agree More
Matt Stephens | The Great Northwest | 02/20/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I won't review story details from the film. The above reviewer has already done a fine job of that. I will give you my reactions.
I saw it Sunday night on TBN. I went into it knowing nothing of the movie or the novel on which it is based. I did turn on TBN knowing that they sometimes have interesting films on Sunday evening that are Biblically based. I confess, however, that I joined the film a little late, right when the character Nikki was sitting down to dinner in the restaurant with The Perfect Stranger.
At first I thought, "What is this? A guy introduces himself as Jesus." I was ready to be skeptical, but then that's how Nikki reacted, too. I kept watching and decided that this was a well-produced, well-acted something-- something that is often poorly done.
I found myself riding the roller coaster of emotions with Nikki. I loved her questions, I was saying out loud what I thought the answer might be. You may have seen me and thought I was watching my team play football with all the advice spoken out loud, the disappointments, the joys... the film swept me along like this.
One of my favorite scenes in the Gospel is the encounter Jesus has with the woman at the well. I was reminded of this encounter. Imagine a perfect stranger who knows you and your whole life... WHO IS HE???
I came away feeling like I understood Jesus better. I was struck by the intimate interweaving of three things: a) Nikki's unqualified love for her child; b) my own love for my children; and, of course, c) the Lord's love for each of us on a deep, personal level. My largest emotional response came when The Perfect Stranger asked Nikki if her child grew, fell in with a bad crowd, got high on drugs and killed someone-- if Nikki's child was slated for execution for her sins, wouldn't Nikki quickly offer herself in her daughter's stead? Of course she would. Of course I would, for my own child-- AND THAT IS WHAT GOD DID FOR US! He substituted Himself to suffer and die for what we deserve as punishment because He loves us that much! It all made sense.
This is one of the many truths that are arrived at in a logical, entertaining way. The film is entertaining on many levels AND it delivers truth to you in a way you can absorb, you can mull over, and with which you can identify.
No matter where you are in your walk with God; no matter if you are the most skeptical person in the world, but you find yourself reading this review, don't fail to purchase or rent this film. See it with friends. Give it to family members. The Perfect Stranger will give you lots to enjoy and the most momentous things to discuss."