Harry Potter meets Clash of the Titans....
Brian Nallick | Mpls, MN | 10/10/2010
(3 out of 5 stars)
".....but fails to live up to either franchise.
Let me explain.
The similarities between the two are endless so I won't go into it that much.
From Percy's home life (Potter).
To the vast array of God's and monsters (Clash)
The film just feels like Hollywood watched both movies and threw this one together in record time.
Let's try for a moment and pretend neither Potter nor Clash exist.
What do you get?
Sorry but you still get an average movie with an average main star who really can't act all that well.
Ok, the good?
Decent FX.
The story, while generic and a total rip off is still passable. Barely.
Nice to see the Nashville Parthenon.
Still have to go to Tennessee and see that.
Always good to see Pierce Brosnan in any movie.
Uma Thermon is an awesome Medussa.
The bad?
I think I already covered my main complaints.
I didn't really care for the casting of the God's.
After seeing Liam Neeson and Ralph Fiennes as Zeus and Hades I really can't see anyone else doing justice to either God.
The main actor who played Percy is way too old and not that good of an actor.
There was no real chemistry between the different actors.
The whole thing felt like a very poor made for tv movie.
Do I recommend a rental?
If you're tired of the Potter series or Clash of the Titans?
Sure, rent it.
Otherwise, stick with the source material.