Keith A. (Keefer522)
Reviewed on 4/18/2014...
A very funny documentary that examines the rapidly eroding relationship between "Star Wars" guru George Lucas and his fans, who have been irritated by pretty much everything he's done involving the "Star Wars" universe over the past twenty years (i.e. the souped up "Special Editions" of the original three films, the "Han Shot First" controversy, disappointment with "The Phantom Menace" and the existence of Jar Jar Binks, etc.). In between the interview segments, there are lots of entertaining clips from homemade Star Wars "fan films," some of which I'd like to see more of...especially the "Misery" parody where a fan-girl keeps an injured Lucas prisoner in her home till he re-writes Episode III. Haha!
This movie makes it official that "Star Wars" fans can be just as annoying, bizarre and nit-picky as Trekkies.