Roberto Clemente, Mike Ditka, Mario Lemieux and Many More! — You may recognize a few of the names featured in Pennsylvanias Greatest Sports Heroes: Bill Mazeroski, Joe Montana, Joe Namath, Arnold Palmer. They are some of Am... more »ericas most famous sports heroes, and every single one of them plus many, many more came through Western Pennsylvania!
What is it about this area that produces so many amazing athletes? Superstars like footballs Mike Ditka and boxings Billy Conn. Find out in Pittsburghs Greatest Sports Heroes and Greatest Moments in Western Pennsylvania Sports History. Hear interviews with the legends, see how they got started, and get the story behind the story. Plus, relive all the amazing goals, catches, home runs, fights and much, much more!
Bonus! Includes extra film featuring the Penguins Stanley Cup years, Pitt football clips and more!« less