Currently Available DVDs (1) | Currently Unavailable DVDs (21)2004 - You Are There The American Revolution and George Washington 2004 - You Are There Series Vol 1 - 6 2004 - You Are There (Abraham Lincoln's Greatest Moments/Tragedy and Promise/The Outlaws/Two Dramatic Fights/WW II Begins/Invasion) 2004 - You Are There Invasion 2004 - The You Are There Series The Outlaws 2004 - You Are There Two Dramatic Flights 2004 - You Are There Tragedy and Promise- The Capture of John Wilkes Booth/Spindletop - The First Texas O 2004 - You Are There Series Discovery and Mutiny 2004 - You Are There Ancient Greece 2004 - You Are There Abraham Lincoln's Greatest Moments The Emancipation Proclamation/The Gettysburg Add The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance