Search - The Outer Limits - The New Series (2005) (Aliens Among Us/Death & Beyond/Fantastic Androids & Robots/Mutation and Transformation/Sex & Science Fiction/Time Travel & Infinity Collections) on DVD
"I do not believe in reviewing something that has not yet been released, but I have to express my dismay that the release of these Outer Limits episodes is a strong indication that we devoted fans of the series will be deprived of full season releases, at least for the foreseeable future.
We are truly between a rock and a hard place. If these episodes sell well, then we are endorsing this method of releasing episodes by theme. If they do not sell well, then the danger is no more Outer Limits releases.
I can only submit this with the slight and vague hope that someone with some influence may read this and reconsider.
Not everyone is a fan of the new Outer Limits series, but I believe it was generally well done, at least when it was on Showtime. In a perverse way, the move to the Sci-Fi channel parallels the original series season two, where a new production team compromised the show, yet still produced some episodes of quality.
May someone please take "Control" of MGM DVD production and give us full seasons. I'll be glad to stand by."
More themed discs coming out
J. Carlin | San Francisco, CA USA | 03/29/2005
(3 out of 5 stars)
"According to the MGM site, this will be a 6 discs set that includes the previously released Sex & SciFi and Time Travel discs, along with 4 new themed DVDs also available seperately:
Aliens Among Us Collection
"Quality of Mercy," "Afterlife," "The Grell," "Relativity Theory," "Alien Shop," "Beyond the Veil"
Fantastic Androids & Robots Collection
"I, Robot," "The Hunt," "Resurrection," "The Camp," "Glitch," "Small Friends"
Mutation & Transformation Collection
"The New Breed," "Descent," "The Joining," "Double Helix," "The Gun," "The Inheritors"
Death & Beyond Collection
"The Second Soul," "The Other Side," "New Lease," "Essence of Life," "Human Trials," "Black Box"
I give it a 3 stars mostly because I glad they're releasing some, but not a big fan of this "piecemeal" thing. There's a huge number of great episodes they're skipping over entirely."
Plumbers make better decisions than studio executives
ConstantConsumer | 04/18/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I so titled my review because I recently had a plumber out who asked what I wanted and then did it. He didn't do part of the job or any old job he wanted to and charge me the same. What he did was what I needed. He actually did more than I asked for the same price. We in the DVD purchasing public call such things "extras."
MGM decision makers, however, cannot seem to get up to the intellect of my plumber. What they are pumping our way is a diluted version of what we want. It makes as much sense - to put it in terms studio executives understand - as paying for 24 produced episodes a year and only broadcasting ten.
I'm not buying these. Though I love the series and have gone to great pains just to watch every episode and, in general, am a television DVD enthusiast having even purchased the "Land of the Lost" offerings, I'm not spending money to condone lobotomized thinking.
The only thing more disturbing would be if they were offering the censored versions.
Just in case MGM is reading this, you're screwing up. These will sell, but you've lost a huge chunk of marketing potential. Trust me, I know of what I speak. DVD packages of serialized television are a vein just beginning to be tapped. But loyal fans will not be toyed with. Doing so will dissolve your base like Alka-Seltzer in water. But, hey, why listen to me. I'm just a fan. With money. And once you lose your job, I can put you in touch with my plumber. I'm sure he could use an assistant with your ideas of how to pump out waste.
I wish i recorded these when i had chance
Rob_420 | USA | 06/18/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"MGM again shows their total lack of respect for the outer limits fans . as for me i will not buy this crap or any other MGM movies/shows until a true box set comes out . wish i recorded them all when i had chance. maybe its time we boycotted MGM sense money over fans seems to be the way they would have it. when they get poor FOX a outstanding example of how good things can be when u consider fans over profit, will buy them out and give us what we all want for some seven years now."
Very Disappointed
psychdan | IL, USA | 05/04/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"The Outer Limits-The New Series is one of the greatest science fiction/horror television shows that I've seen, and I've been patiently waiting for MGM to produce this show in DVD season sets as they have done for the original series. I am extremely disappointed in the decisions they have been making regarding the release of this series. I will NOT buy this 6 disc set. I reiterate the words of a previous reviewer when I say that people do enjoy this series and would probably buy this, but not when it's produced with such incompetent negligence and disrepect for the fanbase. I hope people will boycott this edition lest it be a subtle marketing ploy (often done by George Lucas with his orginal Star Wars movies) to hook devoted customers into buying this edition, and then to release a set in season format with additional episodes among those that have already been released. Get your act together, MGM."