Excellent History Of the Irish in America
Kevin Shaver | Bartlett, Tennessee USA | 09/02/1999
(4 out of 5 stars)
"The journey of Irish men and women forced from their own homeland to avoid starvation, religious discrimination and slavery by the British. Even when arriving to America they were treated as second class citizens and forced to fight in Lincolns' dirty little war. It's the story how an uneducated group of people who were once slaves, helped build a great nation, ran major cities built great canals and populated the country side. It's a must for any Irishman Or woman to pass down to their children to keep the history of the green alive. Also pick up the soundtrack to this DVD it's great too."
Excellent historical overview
Mary Harralson (marycat@tisd.net) | Victoria, Texas | 02/04/1999
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The video "Out of Ireland" narrated by Kelly McGills presents a very informative and an excellent historical overview of the experiences of the Irish in both the United States and Ireland. The story makes an extensive overview of the good and bad events surrounding the lives of Irish Americans beginning with the Battle of the Boyne and culmunating with an examination of Irish men and women who braved the trip over on not very sea worthy ships to start a new life in America. Every aspect is examined in detail with the use of top Irish and Irish American historians, some of which are unfortunately no longer with us. This tape would be an excellent addition to any library and would be an excellent learning tool to use in American, World, or Cultural Geography course."