IMHO the best Mickey Rourke-Movie!
Adventure-Tom | 07/13/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Concerning the last reader-rating: You should not expect to see Mickey Rourke playing the usual nice guy. I can see strong parallels to Harvey Keitels role in "Bad Lieutenant". And Rourke did a brilliant job in portraying a schizoid cop, whose wife has been killed by the young man he his hunting. He has sworn himself to hunt this guy down. And as the young murderer gets out of jail seven years premature, Rourke ("Jack") goes totally astray. He becomes addicted to drugs (alcohol, pills, cocaine) and reduces all his affords on hunting the ex-con. And this plot isnt even the main plot. The main plot goes about the young ex-con and his problems in getting intergrated back to society. All in all a great movie with committed actors. The soundtrack is brilliant! (I never will forget this scenes, where Jack is sitting in his dark appartment, consuming cocaine and whiskeys - you can literally see him dying internally. THIS is what I call intense acting!)Unfortunately the DVD comes with no extras at all. Just spanish subtitles.I apologize for my English."
Justine Ryan | Melbourne, Australia | 01/14/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I intially first bought this film for $3.00 at Big W and becuase Mickey Rourke is my all time favourite actor. I hadn't seen it before and after purchasing this I saw on the back cover that actor Bojesse Christopher directed it, who I like a lot from many 80's films, he's pretty cool. Looking at the cover I thought that it would probably be just OK, nothing special like so many other films I've seen in my life time.
But this was not the case. Though the feel of it is low budget, it is pretty good. I thought it has a lotta heart about it.
Scott Leet to me was pretty incredable. Leet and his love interest was really interesting. There really was something about this film that is different than a lot of other stuff I've seen.
Rourke at his best.
Winterhagen, | Germany, Munich | 03/14/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"So, I saw this damn good movie on a german filmfestival in oldenburg last year. We all know that Mickey is at his very lowest point of life, he uses drugs as most people uses water and bread every day. And in this movie he plays himself: A always drunken, always on the wrong side of the law acting policeman. So: Why did he become like this? The "hero" of this film killed Mickey's wife in a accidently act of self-defense. And as he leaves the prison to get a job and a normal life, Mickey interact these plans that clever to destroy our lovely and handsome hero. No happyend, and that's good."
Ignore those who have no talent!
D. D. Braginsky | Westville, CT United States | 06/06/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"True, this is a B movie. But, being an exremely successful person in the "biz", I can speak with authority and as an artist, clearly stating that MICKEY ROURKE is the greatest american actor. With that said and Rourke's career back on A-list status as the star of SIN CITY and SPUN, it is well worth the price of admission."