If You Like Anime With A Witty Wizard With An Attitude Here'
Rich | CA | 08/20/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I had already gotten the second season of this entertaining anime and was finding it difficult to get the first season, and now I'm glad that ADV has finally released this series together for a very good price. Some fans have complained that the second season was to light and not as serious as the first and while that's a little true both seasons are still entertaining either way so you'll get enjoyment from both seasons. The first season deals with the main character Oprhen and his recent his agreement to have an apprentice by the name of Majic who's the innkeepers son, but he has his own hidden agenda as well for being in this village that no one knows about. AS he trains Majic in the ways of spells we later find out of his own estrangement from the wizard council also known as the Tower Of Fang which all powerful wizards belong to and which Orphen himself is especially known for because of his own great power, along the way he meets another would be student by the name of Cleao a young upper class women who saw Orphen during her travels while abroad and was instantly smitten with him. The second season is as many fans have said mostly light-hearted for half the season but it does become more dramatic during the other half and we will see recurring characters you may have seen from the first season most notably Dortin and Volkan the brothers who are basically the comedic duo for both the first and second season. You'll definitely like Orphen's somewhat laid back an smarmy attitude he gives out sometimes which he does to basically hide his own caring and kind heart that he allows only a select few to see, the Japanese voice cast were of course excellent and the English cast were just as good especially the voice of Orphen as the lines they give him for the dubbed make Orphen an even more endearing and smart mouth wizard character than they do with the subbed version. The video for the first season is decent but you will see some lines from time to time, but the second season video is more cleared up so all in all no complaints really on that part. The audio for both seasons is very good and the music soundtrack they have fit with the series greatly so if you're a fan of series like Scrapped Princess, Rune Soldier, or Full Metal Alchemist here's another great box set for your anime library....."
2 Season Anime. A Review From An Avid Anime Watcher.
Nathan T. | SOMEWHERE | 10/16/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I watched over 100 series of anime so this is coming from someone that watches anime rather than TV because TV just sucks nowadays. Anyhow there's two seasons to this anime. I'm just gonna go straight to analyzing it. If you wanna know what the anime is about than check out the intro on Amazon or search it on google.
There are two seasons to this anime. Season 1 is orphen and season 2 is orphen revenge. Season 1 has 24 episodes and season 2 has 23.
The first season is actually significantly better and more humorous (better quality humor) than the second. It has a better storyline and was a bit more unique and a lot more interesting. The second season, however, starts off horribly and starts picking up a few episodes later. However, the second season never reaches the same quality as the first season hence me giving this a 3 star.
To the person that gave it a 1 star, this anime in no way deserves a one star. It was pretty good, the dub was nice to watch and the characters were very funny and decently built. I only agree with the second season that it did lack what was found in the first.
First season I would give about a 3.5-4 star and the second season I would give about a 2 because it had a lot of stuff missing. Did anyone notice that they also lowered the quality to the animation as well? Check out LUCKY, the wolfen. You'll notice it there the most.
Is this anime worth watching? Yeah! It was actually entertaining compare with other animes that I've watched. Here's a quick recommendation from me if you're interested in anime!
-NARUTO (Subtitles)
-Code Geass (SUBtitles)
-Death Note (SUB)
-Get Backers (DUB)
-Desert Punk (DUB)
These are all unrelated animes since I don't really know many animes that are similar to orphen, at least not one that I can think of that's good at the moment, especially that feels like orphen.
I just thought up of an anime that is somewhat similar that many people should know and it's Full Metal Alchemist (subtitle version for best experience, but their dub version isn't too shabby). Read about it, it's not exactly sorcery imo but yeah.
Want anymore recommendations? Leave a comment and hopefully I'll see it and tell ya.
A Very Solid Release
Cody Shay | Slate Lick, PA USA | 02/12/2010
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Season 1 of Orphen was simply excellent. There was a great plot, excellent animation for the time, and very likable characters. The only downside was the slightly Americanized dub. It was originally planned for a TV run that never materialized. However, the dub remains more faithful to the Japanese script after a few episodes.
Season 2 starts out very weak, in just about every department. The animation seems cheap at times, and the music is just not as good as season 1. Even the first OP of season 2 is pretty bad. However, the show does start to improve after several episodes, and towards the end of Season 2 it becomes some of what made Season 1 so great. The animation and music also improve dramatically as well.
ADV and Sentai gave the show a nice release here, with all the original extras intact. It includes several recording session out takes, which are hilarious. David Mantragna's and Hillary Haag's are especially good. It also includes a lot of excellent artwork on the slip covers and two enclosed DVD packs.
If you're interested in this show at all, this is the best way to get it, as Season 1 has been out of print for sometime now. I really recommend this for lovers of fantasy anime."