Ok, if you take it for what it is...
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Nothing more than a creative, but mostly deceptive exploitation of mankind's morbid curiosity of death and mutilation. Although the special effects were decent, most of the scenes were re-created. (For those of you who still believe it's real, read the ending credits.) Most decent Americans should find this movie repulsive in the least and is better suited for today's de-sensitized blood-&-guts galore adolecents than for mainstream horror fans. This movie does however take the credit for spawning the seemingly endless supply of actual death depicting videos and "shocumentry" TV shows. See FOD if only to say you saw it, but try "Traces Of Death" if you crave REAL footage of death, destuction, mutilation and mayhem."
Good, but mostly fake.
Daniel Flaherty | Maine, USA | 06/26/1999
(4 out of 5 stars)
"With the exception of the scenes with animals, most of the deaths scenes in this movie are fake. For example, the scenes of prisoner executions are fake because public executions are not permitted in the United States. They don't allow families of the victims to withness the executions, let alone somebody making a documentary. And if they were going to allow documentary film makers to film an execution they would want some organization with reputation and reputability like Time/Life or Discovery...not "Gorgon Video." And what about that assasination scene? I didn't mind the laughable set, but what got me was the fact that we witnessed "authentic" French politicians who spoke lousy text book french with american accents. Still, for a horror movie, Faces of Death is actually quite imaginative and even thought provoking some times. And in spite of the low budget, Faces of Death had some well done directing and a descent script. Go see this movie, if only to say that you saw it."
Patrick Miller | NEW YORK | 09/10/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I first saw this movie on video cassette in june 1985 as a teenager. I admit I thought it was real. Not only real but it did scare the hell out of me. I thought the electric chair scene was real. This movie as bad and fake as most of the scenes are, did make me look at death in a whole new way. As a teenager I was shocked and horrified by this movie. My friends and I would watch it and talk about it. Faces of death made me realize I should be greatful for everyday I have on this earth. This movie despite all the controversy of it being staged and being fake is really a facinating look into death. As gross as the morgue scene was to watch, it was interesting and I believe authentic. The chriogenic suspension scene was really facinating. The music by gene kauer is very effective, and goes with movie very well. Actor Michael Carr who portrays Dr. Francis B. Gross plays a believable doctor with an obsession with death. Faces of death was a mid 1980s fad, that people still talk about today. Faces of death written and directed by John Schwartz is a pioneer of the reality shows of today including (jackass). Faces of death is not for the weak hearted but really a facinating look into our ultimate end.
Fake YES! False YES! Fantastic YES!!!!!!!!!!!!
CLINT BRONSON | las vegas,NV. | 01/25/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I remember renting this at the video store in 85 and going to my
friend NO LONGER DEVIL'S house and showing this to him and about
6 of his friends. They all hid their eyes and looked away. It
was a complete success for that is what I set out to do. I remember
even at that young age(15)thinking that what I was seeing was fake.
Still it is most entertaining and if you are looking for that uncomfortable
movie to sit with your friends and sweetie this is it! I have watched all
the Faces of Death while growing up and found those as well entertaining
though by parts 5 and 6 it was starting to get redundant. If you love
HORROR movies than by all means by the CLASSIC FACES OF DEATH! If you
are looking for the real thing than recommend Faces of Death 2 (which shows car crashes and shootings of prisoners) and also watching the
6 o'clock News. If you are looking to laugh at Bear attacks and a man
gurgling alka seltzer while being on the electric chair than buy
note: I was only disturbed by the monkey brain eating scene which was
real and I felt sorry for monkey(poor lil monk-monk)"