A Solid B-Movie
Graboidz | Westminster, Maryland | 11/16/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"If you are a fan of modern creature features like "Slither", "Tremors" or "Splinter" then you will enjoy "Organizm". It's your typical mutant-biological-threat-that-can-destroy-the-world type of flick that is perfect viewing late on a Saturday night.
The basic story is that a biological weapon is unwittingly released in the American Southwest (these things always happen in or around the desert dontchyaknow?). Escaping from its confines the titular organism which looks like fleshy ropes seems unstoppable! Boring through concrete, steel, traveling underground....it doesn't seem like there is any way to stop this creepy menace as it bores into and feeds on anything in its path.
I liked the "monster" in this creature feature, it acted in a similar fashion to "The Blob"...only much quicker, and more aggressive in tracking its meals.
The special effects are a notch above Sci-Fi Channel produced movies, and the cast is made up of your typical b-movie horror character actors, but they do a good job with the what they are given.
If you are in the mood for a fun little sci-fi/horror ride, and don't mind direct to DVD effects and some loopy plot holes, give "Organizm" a shot, it's a fun 90 minutes."
Better than I expected
David J. Garcia | 05/23/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The cgi effects in this movie are actually pretty good. The acting is good and the movie is exciting and action-packed. I wasn't sure how this movie would turn out but I was very pleased and entertained when I watched this movie. It's a really neat sci fi movie and I highly recommend it."
DJ Deathwish | Tucson, AZ | 05/11/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Organizm is a pretty solid movie that suffers from two problems. The movie contradicts itself at times, and some of the most atrocious CGI and green screen work I have ever seen. Bad CGI usually doesn't bother me because its par for the course in low budget movies, but it is just so bad that it deterred me from fully enjoying the movie. And another problem is that the movie seemed to have some sort of budget because everything else about it was pretty good, so the CGI issue really is unforgivable. Now thus far it may seem as though I'm bashing the movie, but I did enjoy it. In fact, if the CGI had been in the hands of more competent individuals, then this would have received a four star rating easily. But as it stands, we are left with a nice Sci-Fi / Horror time killer worthy of watching, but just don't expect the next classic here."
Excellent sci fi b movie
Michael P. Dobey | colorado springs | 03/21/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This is a movie that reminded me of the great b movies of the fifties.
Many of them took place in and or around small desert towns like this one does. Many of them feature the army fighting some kind of monster and this one does and the acting is solid and done by decent actors who pull off the monster on the loose story with gusto. This movie even has a long dead mad scientist who unleashed the creature back in the fifties.
It's just a good romp of a movie and if you enjoyed those old movies this is a salute to them except of course in the special effects department.
This one has effects of this decade (the early 21st century).
The effects look great in this movie and make the film seem as though it was made with a higher budget. Just ten years ago a movie of this budget with cgi looked cartoony. This movie doesn't look like that at all in fact it looks pretty good and the monster is a creeping menace straight out of a vintage quartermass movie. On the scale of low budget sci fi this is a good sci fi monster attack flick that will please fans of that type of movie very well."