The Oregon Trail, as seen on public television. — Product Features — Previously viewed on public television — Winner of first-place awards from the Broadcast Education Association, the Oregon-California Trails Association and... more » the Telly Awards
From a 4-time Emmy-winning producer
See what life was really like on the trail
Hear excerpts from the diaries of actual pioneers
Featuring Lewis and Clark, the Whitmans, the Astorians and more
Visit stops along the trail, including South Pass, Oregon City and more
In Pioneers Shoes Imagine walking 2,000 miles. In the 1840s. In dress shoes. Through the desert. Through the snow. Marcus Whitman and his wife, Narcissa, would be among the first known emigrants to travel the full length of the Oregon Trail, but in the end, nearly 100,000 men, women and children would follow.
Why were they heading west? Who were they anyway? And what was out there? See what the pioneers saw, heard, meet who they met relive what it was really like to travel The Oregon Trail.
The Journey West
Find out what it was like for the pioneers who made the daring journey across the Rocky Mountains to settle the Oregon Territory. Hear their stories of bravery, excitement, tragedy and sorrow from their actual letters and diary entries. Why were they going? What did they bring? What did they have to leave behind? Travel The Oregon Trail as they did across the plains, through the mountains and into a brand new world.« less