Powerful Debut by a First-Time Director
Compay | New Orleans, LA | 03/26/2010
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Order of Chaos is a surprisingly edgy film by Vince Vieluf, in his directorial debut. The cinematography is great, and I appreciated the style of editing (frenetic at times, which not all viewers will like). The shots are framed well, and I enjoyed Vieluf's use of lighting. The film has a hard electronic score, largely Darkwave and Industrial, that works perfectly. I also loved the voiceovers by Alan Watt of "Cutting Through the Matrix" fame.
Order of Chaos has a skeleton crew cast, but what Vince Vieuluf has to work with is choice. Rhys Coiro (24) stars as passive worker bee John, opposite Milo Ventimiglia (Heroes) who plays his aggressive new colleague and neighbor Rick. Mimi Rogers is a fox as John's boss, though neither she nor Samantha Mathis get as much screen time as I would have expected for veteran actors.
I felt at times that the story didn't have much meat on it's bones, even though the presentation was great. The relationship between the two colleagues smacked a bit too much of Ed Norton and Brad Pitt in Fight club, particularly the evolution (or self-destruction) of Rhys Coiro's character. The film's end was surprising, though it will still leave you with questions. To politely contradict another reviewer's comment, the DVD's brilliant cover art has absolutely everything to do with the film.
Shot with only a million-dollar budget, Order of Chaos is a bold and edgy psychological thriller. It's a great example of what happens when directors avoid sticking to what's safe, and focus on redefining what a movie could be."