The art of escape gets put to the scientific test as escapologist Jonathan Goodwin attempts to break out of bizarre and dangerous homemade contraptions. Joined by his best friend/chief collaborator Mikey Nelson and master ... more »builder/engineer Terry Stroud, there is no idea -- no matter how insane -- that is out of bounds. From conception to testing to the actual stunt, Jonathan proves there is no escape too extreme or painful in his search to always find that one way out! BEES: Jonathan tests his theory of minimal movement with a scorpion trapped inside his mouth and with his body covered in 200,000 agitated bees. He must endure excruciating pain as he attempts to set himself free. SPINNING: Pulling some serious G's, Jonathan tests his ability to escape while spinning. He rides down a hill in an out-of-control locked barrel, hops off a rapidly spinning chair surrounded by broken glass, and takes a wild ride on the Water Wheel of Doom -- all in the name of science. PROJECTILES: Escapologist Jonathan Goodwin takes the pain and tests his limits while exploring the science of projectiles. He gets pummeled with tennis balls flying at 45mph, high-dives into kiddie pools, and is launched over 65 feet in the air. BIRDS: Escapologist Jonathan Goodwin gets served as dinner to some hungry turkeys, learns about the aggressive behaviors of ostriches, and then actually comes face-to-face with a pen filled with the giant dangerous birds. OXYGEN DEPRIVATION: Jonathan experiences extreme cold temperatures while testing his ability to hold his breath under water. He is restrained upside down with his head trapped in a container of cold water, he experiences the onset of hypothermia in an icehouse, and he nearly blacks out while trapped inside an ice cold water tank. GRAVITY: Escapologist Jonathan Goodwin wages battle against the forces of gravity by becoming part of a life-sized domino rally, taking some crazy leaps off a high diving board, and making a daring escape while suspended 30 feet in the air. BURIED ALIVE: Escapologist Jonathan Goodwin faces the double jeopardy of limited oxygen and crushing weight against his body as he explores the science and danger of being buried alive. If he can free himself from his coffin, his battle has just begun. IMPACT: Escapologist Jonathan Goodwin tests his ability to perform dangerous escapes while withstanding the forces of impact. He is slammed with various hanging objects, rides full speed on a BMX bike into an impact-measuring device, and attempts to make his final escape before his best friend Mikey slams into him at top speed on a BMX bike.« less