Senior year. A time to grow up, to forget, to forgive, to dream, to learn to love all over again. People come together -- except Dan, consumed by anger as he tracks down whoever started the fire that almost took his life. ... more »Tree Hill is rocked by powerful new events -- the good, the bad and the catastrophic. The good: Haley fights to save her marriage, Peyton comes to terms with her birth mother, Brooke creates a hot clothing line, and Keith comes home. The bad: Dan gets a rival for worst person in Tree Hill -- a conniving redhead named Rachel, the new girl at school. The catastrophic: Tragedy strikes Tree Hill High, and suddenly who wins the cheerleading tournament or basketball championship seems insignificant compared to who lives. And who doesn't. DVD Features:
Deleted Scenes
Deleted Scenes
Audio Commentary:With cast and crew on "With Tired Eyes, Tired Minds, Tired Souls, We Slept"
Deleted Scenes
Deleted Scenes
Audio Commentary:With Cast & Crew on "The Show Must Go On".
Deleted Scenes
Documentaries:"Anatomy of an Episode" including all-new cast and crew interviews on what goes into making an episode.
"In my junior year of high school ONE TREE HILL premiered after the cancellation of DAWSON'S CREEK and ever since the very first episode I tuned into the series trying to fill the void that DAWSON left. Yet despite the fact that every Thursday morning in Spanish class me and my fellow classmates would spend more time discussing the latest episodes than the verbs we where suppose to be congegating, the series was never really appointment television for me. Although towards the middle of the first season the writers changed part of their staff and the WB put more umpth behind the show and slowly the quality kept building until it reached its penicale in the third season - when ONE TREE HILL became my favorite television on the air (and this being said by a male college sophomore).
Starting in this, the third year, we find the characters very much established as well as their relationships to one another, their histories, and the place in the series as a whole. So right from the beginning of the season everything starts to click together, and once the action starts going and the momentium starts building (around episode four) the season doesn't take a breath.. even in the final moments of the season (literally).
After spending two season's depicted the gang's junior year of High School, Season Three starts out at the beginning of senior year for the gang and everyone is in a different place, trying to live their own lives: Peyton is dealing with loosing Jake, yet again, and to add to her problems her birth mother has come to town with a heartbreaking secret. Brooke returns to tree hill after moving to Los Angeles with her parents, still heartbroken over Lucas, but looking to move on and enjoy her senior year. Nathan and Hailey arn't speaking much, and are living in different homes basically just trying to get through the day without having to deal with one another. Lucas is trying to wrap his head around what happend with Dan in the dealership, and his newly discovered heart problem.
That just adds a summary to the very first couple of episodes and latter on in the season everything is turned upside-down by the untimely death of a major cast member in the mists of a local school shooting (a repercussion from last season's time-capsols), and from their everything starts to escalade into chaos leading up to the can't-take-a-breath seaosn finale (that came really close to being the series finale).
While season three doesn't deal with any of the major things about being a senior (prom, senior trip, college applicatons/exceptances, graduation, and moving on - that is all to be the focus of season four, currently airing on the CW), it is still the strongest season to date and a reason to stay tune for season four!
Season Three Episodes include:
Like You Like an Arsonist
From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea
First Day on a Brand New Planet
An Attempt to Tip The Scales
A Mulititude of Casualties
Locked Hearts and Hand Grenades
Champagne For My Real Friends, Real Pain For My Sham Friends
The Worst Day Since Yesterday
How a Resurrection Really Feels
Brave New World
Return of the Future
I've Got Dreams To Remember
The Wind That Blew My Heart Away
All Tomorrow's Parties
Just Watch The Fireworks
With Tired Eyes, Tired Minds, Tired Souls, We Slept (With Commentary)
Who Will Survive, and What Will Be Left of Them?
When It Isn't Like It Should Be
I Slept With Someone In Fall Out Boy And All I Got Was This Stupid Song Written About Me
Everyday is a Sunday Evening
Over the Hills and Far Away
The Show Must Go On (With Commentary)"
Best Season Yet
WanderingChild_13 | Noneya, | 06/19/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This show is more than a teen "who ends with whom" show...It's reality.
It's drama.
It's emotional. It can leave you breathless.
And this season was the best yet. It dealt with even more issues: Breast Cancer, suicide, forgiveness, trust, death, second chances, love, and above all: finding yourself. Finding out who you want to be.
It's what the teens, as well as the adults, deal with in every episode.
The acting is wonderful; there isn't a bad apple in the bunch. The chemistry between each character is so obvious on screen that one can easily become up.
The music is hand selected, and fits perfectly to the's not randomly placed.
The writing this season was brillant. The crew really knew where they wanted to go this season.
There were definately tears, even more shockers, and a few shouts of "FINALLY" over the course of this season (Naley reunion), and this is one fan who eagerly awaits Season 4 on the WB's new network.
Great job to the cast and crew...and to the fans, we earned it!"
The one thing I can't get enough of
J. Lapiroff | 07/14/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I have been watching one tree hill since the pilot in season one. (this is a teen on her dad's account) During season 1 I just thought it was a good show worthwhile of watching, but midway of the second season it became a must watch, can't get enough of thing for me.
The complexity of the characters in this show is amazing. You know this characters so well, yet some how they still manage to surprise and amaze you.
This show is the best one I've ever watched and I wouldn't be surprised if it went for ten seasons."
WOW! Best season by far.
Kelsey Bell | IN | 07/23/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"One Tree Hill is a crazy show that I have watched sense season 1 the pilot. It is so weird because the stuff that the characters go through are stuff that high school kids really do deal with. It doesn't matter who you are, there is a character on the show that you can relate to. I loved this season, it is definatly my favorite so far, I love how Nathan went from loving Haley but not showing it in the beginning to them getting remarried. It was insane how close the show for the last half of the season kind of followed my life. The episode were Jimmy had the gun and Keith died, aired on Wednesday, and Thursday at school we had a false bomb threat, then the next day my 18 year old cousin died. It was insane, but it was kind of therapy too, because I could really relate to the way Lucas was feeling. It made you realize that there really are other people out there going through the same exact thing. I think the best episode was the last though, it just kept you wondering. The one thing that I love/hate about One Tree Hill is that they leave you with cliff hangers not just minor ones, MAJOR ones, I mean what other show would leave you with a cliff hanger when there is a 2 week break?!? After the cliff hanger episodes, I'm always "ERRRRRR", but man what a way to leave it. lol. This is a great season and I suggest it to anyone and everyone. If you have never watched the show before, you may be a little lost, but you can catch back up. I suggest that you go back and watch season 1 & 2 at some point, it makes some stuff more understandable as to why it happened, or the way it happened."
R. Sergi | Griffith, NSW, Australia | 06/17/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"season 3 of one tree hill was the best thing ever in australia they're only up to season 1 but me and a few of my friends got it sent from america cause we could'nt wait! i recomend this box set because you won't regret it! it's way better than The O.C season 3 and that's no lie everyone agree's it's the BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"