"One Man's Justice is an awsome movie, and might be one of Brian Bosworth's best films. it is truly a good movie, and might be considered a cult classic.it has one of the best lines of all time. Bosworth is surrounded by about 4 or 5 guys, he throws a bag on the floor, pulls out a cell phone and calls 911 and says, "i'm gonna need (starts counting) 5 bodybags!" LOL!!!!!!!!!!then beats the crap out of all of them. it's a very good movie that you are guaranteed to enjoy. bosworth does a very good job in the movie. also, MC Hammer comes out as a drug dealer who is trying to cope with the death of his brother. the villian in the movie is also awsome. he has long blond hair and a pierced nose and plays the villan awsome.i highly recommend one man's justice.
it's one of bosworth's best movies."
One Man's Justice
O. Rios | 04/14/2001
(2 out of 5 stars)
"A good looking film, but not enough action. Brian Bosworth is good, and he deserves to be a bigger star. If you want to see his best film (5 stars), watch 'Stone Cold'. That film may well be considered his Citizen Kane."
Chick Flick potential
O. Rios | 02/08/2000
(4 out of 5 stars)
"One Man's Justice is a fun action flick. The plot, bad guys, and fights are entertaining. What made it stand out is that Brian Bosworth is better to look at than anyone else in this type of movie. It makes the film work even for women who don't care for the blow-em-up genre."
One Man's Forgiveness
J. B. Hoyos | Chesapeake, VA | 04/19/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Football star Brian Bosworth gives a splendid performance as Army drill sergeant John North. His gorgeous wife and pixie-faced daughter are living near his base and happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and are murdered. During his failed attempt to rescue them from a convenience store, North is shot several times and put into a coma. When he revives, he is determined to kill the slimy Marcus (Jeff Kober) who is responsible for destroying his family. However, he soon learns that Marcus is connected to a crooked FBI agent Karl Savak (Bruce Payne), an evil, conniving man who's determined to retrieve rifles stolen from the corrupt Army personnel whom he murdered. There is a tremendous amount of backstabbing and double crossing in this extremely violent and suspenseful action flick.
Through it all, North tracks down Marcus but is unable to kill him. He is determined to be a good testimony for a young boy Mikey (DeJuan Guy) who is selling drugs for the mobsters on the mean streets of Las Angeles. North is an action hero with a heart.
"One Man's Justice" defines action. It has plenty of plot twists, explosive violence, and gory deaths. It is also about setting a good example. North is determined not to avenge the death of his family by killing Marcus in front of Mikey; he hopes that Mikey won't avenge the death of his own friend. Contrary to the artwork on the DVD jacket, revenge is not everything. Love is everything . . . at least it is for John North.
"One Man's Justice" is my first Brian Bosworth film. Now, I hope to see more of his other films. If you enjoy violent escapism where justice is served and a moral is taught, see "One Man's Justice."
Trash Action
C. A. Luster | Burke, VA USA | 07/09/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Trash Action. This is part of a new genre I like to call Trash Action. You get reasonably B grade actors. Usually ex-wrestlers, football players, et cetera. You put them in a role they totally aren't suited to like a Marine, FBI Agent, Smoke Jumper, et cetera. You get some decent music in it with some rockers in the cast. Come up with a story were there is lots of action, shooting, and music cranking, and you have TRASH ACTION! So leave the brain in hypnotised mode and stuff your face with popcorn cause you're now entering the Mindless Fun Zone. Definitely worth a rental, but it will take a real fan to buy it. Better than "The Marine", but I like "Firestorm" best."